Will Jonathan Schwartz be the first Fortune 500 CEO blogger? asks Debbie Weil.

I was wondering exactly the same thing as I read various news reports today about Schwartz taking on the top job at Sun Microsystems following the stepping down of current (ex) CEO Scott McNealy.

As Debbie noted, the most recent post on Schwartz’ blog is over a week ago. It would be very interesting indeed to see commentary there by Shwartz about the shift in power at Sun. And what subsequent comments looked like. And then a conversation.

Staying tuned…

[Update @ 19:45] Schwartz has published his first post since being named CEO. So he is indeed the first CEO blogger of a Fortune 500 company. A milestone.

2 responses to “Blogging the shift in power at Sun”

  1. […] What’s truly significant is that some people think it’s signficant that he blogs. […]

  2. Tony Snow and Jonathan Schwartz…

    Drama! A journo joins the White House full-time and a well-deserved promotion creates the first Fortune 500 CEO blog. Yawn. Tony Snow wrote speeches for W’s Dad back in 1991. As you can see here, Tony got an early start on his career back in high sc…