- A book: “The Definitive Guide” to Skype
- BBC chief outlines global ambitions
- Beware the PR moniker…
- CNET’s AllYouCanUpload Is Disruptive
- Corporate Conscience Survey Says Workers Should Come First
- Daewoo boss gets 10 years in jail
- MySpace.com the top source of search traffic to Google
- Office of the Deputy Prime Minister has a 1000 page staff handbook
- Old media to embrace internet upstarts
- Relationships as a PR goal
- Result of 80 Posts about Effective Blogging Habits
- Robert French buffaloes Steve Rubel, who is really Kaiser Wilhelm II
- SixApart Comet Is Now Vox
- Vodafone Shifts Focus to Internet
- Web 2.0 Service Mark Controversy (Tim responding this time) (Tim/O’Reilly Radar)
(Via RSS feeds)