Back online after my unplugged week. It’s the first time in well over a year that five consecutive days have passed during which I didn’t write anything, read any RSS feeds nor take part in any online conversations. An odd feeling, actually.
One particular conversation continued in this blog, though (twists in the tale of Jupiter Research), which proves that a hot topic as perceived by others doesn’t require the topic starter to be present in order for the conversation to advance. More on that later.
One other thing that continues no matter what is spam. Lots of it trapped by Akismet during my absence. Not one spam made it through the defences. An interesting stat I saw this morning – Akismet has now blocked over 100 million spams since the service started last year.
So, reconnected and plugged in once more. (Be careful saying that: sounds like The Matrix.)
4 responses to “Reconnected”
I find it therapeutic to routinely disconnect every couple of months or so by going to my hunting cabin in the hills. for 2 – 3 days at a time. And I do mean disconnect – no TV, telephone, or Internet connection. I can manage to get a cell phone signal if I climb the hill behind the cabin but have never really felt compelled to do so.
However, I now find myself torn. For relatively little money I could put an antenna on the roof of the cabin and pull in my cell signal. On one hand I’m loathe to give up my refuge…it’s nice to drop off the radar screen every now and then. OTOH, having access to the Internet would allow me to visit the cabin more ofter by being able to stay in touch with work.
“An odd feeling” indeed – liberating, yet restrictive all at once, perhaps? Glad to see you back online, Neville.
The Jupiter Research situation highlights a few important lessons for bloggers. Fard Johnmar and others have experienced the cold shoulder thanks to their status as “bloggers,” so it’s important to remember that that term carries with it connotations both negative and positive.
Also, it’s critical to look for the actual source of information – not merely to content oneself by linking to a link to a link where that information can be found. I have read quite a few blog posts about Jupiter Research’s report that simply assumed its results to be accurate.
Hi Neville,
Welcome back!
I find sometimes that being disconnected from email, rss, texts and the mobile can really help once in a while.
For me it’s a step back from the torrent of information and change that the internet has given us, and an opportunity to refocus and space to have some new ideas and take a more detached perspective.
Hope you had a good break
Thanks, everyone, appreciate your comments.
Disconnecting for a while is a good thing. Lets you think about other things and pay attention to some important things you might be neglecting (family, for instance).
Still, it’s good to be back properly online again!