So Dell’s getting a bit of a thrashing in the blogosphere following the launch last week of one2one, their first public blog.

Strong criticisms (some of which are quite understandable) mixed with suggestions on how Dell ought to be approaching the world with the blog.

In last Monday’s edition of the FIR podcast, Shel and I briefly discussed one2one (our discussion starts at 6:40 into the show). What we said then still holds true for me in spite of all the chatter in the past few days – give them a break as they get going with this.

They are listening to what people are saying so far.

Every organization starting out in public with social media is on a learning curve, just like the rest of us were (and still are, in reality). Dell makes it quite clear what they’d like to do with this blog. So I say – give them a chance.

But don’t drop this ball, Dell. You probably won’t get a second chance.

5 responses to “Give Dell a chance”

  1. Alex Bellinger avatar

    Hi Neville, I couldn’t agree with you more on giving Dell a little breathing space.

    If they can get through the next few months, this could actually become a great case study. A conversion on the road to Damascus even.

    I’d have thought that failure simply isn’t an option in this case. Which would suggest that Dell may become a very different organisation over the next 12 months. Blogging’s the thin end of a positve wedge.

  2. neville avatar

    Well, they have certainly provoked a conversation – take a look at the 100 comments so far on their “Real People are Here and We’re Listening” post –

    Among the comments about the blog itself and what Dell are doing with it are quite a few from customers with questions on issues that concern them (keylogging, for instance).

    Very interesting to see what Dell do next.

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  4. […] When Dell entered the blogosphere last year with their corporate blog Direct2Dell, they took a bit of a pounding from some bloggers and customers who had “Dell Hell” in their minds. […]