Mixed signs of the changing times.

In the US, The New York Times:

The New York Times is to shrink both page size and workforce, in an attempt to deal with tough trading conditions. Following the lead of many other US dailies, the iconic paper is planning to lop 6 inches (15cm) off the width of each double-page spread. The paper’s publisher, the New York Times Company, said it would also cut 250 jobs by 2008. The announcement came as the firm reported profits up slightly to $61.3m (£33.5m) from $60.8m a year ago. [BBC News]

In the UK, The Daily Telegraph:

[…] Instead of covering one news story as two separate entities [print and online], we aim to view it as one story with many outlets. The whole process – from ticker and text alert, to website and RSS feed, and on to newspaper and magazine – is co-ordinated as one, rather than being a series of separate processes. All the services the Telegraph provides will benefit from this integrated approach. The website will be strengthened with more content from our name journalists, published sooner than before. The newspaper will have a deeper and richer pool of content to draw on and our readers will be able to access quality news and comment in whatever way suits them best. This isn’t the seismic change that many people portray it as. It’s the latest development in a process that we began in 1994 when we became Europe’s first web-based daily newspaper. [Journalism.co.uk]

Globally, the Financial Times:

The Financial Times will merge its newspaper and Web editing desks, and may cut 50 staffers from its work force. […] The 50 jobs that may be cut at the Financial Times represent 10 percent of the editorial staff. The Financial Times said it would create single newspaper/Web news desks, an interactive content team, and a production structure for integrating print and online publishing. It said it would also train writers to develop their multimedia skills. The changes follow Pearson’s appointment of its former chief financial officer, Rona Fairhead, as CEO of the FT Group in May. Pearson said the project was designed to create a “multi-media newsroom.” [Associated Press]

One newspaper trims the size of its traditional print edition, two others focus on the web and integrating historically separate editorial resources into one.

Which papers do you think can see what’s coming or, perhaps more significantly, where they need to go?

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