We’re well into the summer now, halfway through the really quiet period when most of Europe goes on holiday. At least the weather’s fantastic, in all senses of that word.

So it’s a good time to start preparing for participating in some outstanding professional development events coming up in late summer/early autumn:

  • The Web of Tomorrow: Stockholm, Sweden, September 5-6, 2006. Delivering a keynote presentation “How to prepare for the communication of the future.” In addition, I’m leading a half-day pre-conference workshop “How to produce and use a podcast,” September 4.
  • Delivering The New PR: Edinburgh, Scotland, September 13, 2006. Fourth in the series of one-day conferences organized by the University of Sunderland (info here on the last one in London in May). Presenting on business podcasting.
  • Podcast and Portable Media Expo: Ontario, California, USA, September 29-30, 2006. Participant in panel discussion “Podcast Metrics: Gauging Success With Different Audience Segments,” September 30. Plus a big social get-together with all the podcaster geeks who will be there.
  • Strategic Communication Management Summit 2006: London, October 18-19, 2006. Organized by Melcrum. Presentation “Using new technologies to re-energize internal communications.” In addition, I’m leading a pre-conference half-day workshop “How to use social media to create genuine employee engagement,” October 17. Download the conference brochure (PDF) here.

Let me know if you’re planning to attend any of these events – it would be great to meet up.

I’ve just updated my Speaking Engagements page including more links and a better layout of all the info there.