Adam Curry’s Podshow Network has opened for business in the UK in a partnership with BT.
The UK service is known as BT PodShow.
News widely circulating in the podcasting community in recent months was confirmed in a BT press release yesterday, although it was announced pre-emptively by Adam in the Daily Source Code on Tuesday.
The new service has big plans for encouraging podcasting talent in the UK:
[…] BT PodShow [is] a British version of the hugely popular US PodShow Network with extra content and functionality produced specifically for the UK market. BT PodShow will be accessible to all UK internet users, and enables creative individuals, media production companies and record labels to share their content – both video and audio – with an audience of millions in the UK and around the world.
BT PodShow is also launching a nationwide call for aspiring film producers, musicians, presenters and DJs from across the UK to submit audio and video content, enabling them to ‘get in on the show.’ The website,, is already generating considerable interest from bloggers and media producers alike.
Based on the success of PodShow in the US, BT PodShow is expecting thousands of talented people to contribute material with the best set to feature on “The Show†section of the website.
Neil Dixon, one of the pioneers in UK podcasting, thinks the launch means exciting times for podcasters and listeners alike in the UK are coming:
[…] It will be a very significant boost for podcasts in the UK who want to reach beyond the current podcaster/blogger/geek audience (I realise not all listeners in the UK fall under these categories, but the majority do right now).
Couldn’t agree more, Neil.
This could well be the tipping point for podcasting in the UK in accelerating a potential market that’s currently dominated by stand-up comedy types of podcasts, geek shows and other niche production.
Maybe this might also persuade companies and other organizations to take a close look at this medium.
I’d really like to see some UK companies appearing in the list of business podcasts on The New PR Wiki.
3 responses to “Podshow Network launches in UK”
A tipping point indeed, Neville. Good spot.
I can’t say that I have the same unbridled enthusiasm about this announcement. This seems like a duplication of a site that already exists over at Should UK podcasters now segregate themselves by using this “UK Only” podcast directory or should they join the rest of the world (or the U.S. I guess) over at the main PodShow site?
In their original pitch to podcasters, Podshow never explained that the main Podshow directory was a US only podcast site. Now it seems they are changing their tune and sending Brits to a different site. According to their press release BT Podshow is, “a British version of the hugely popular
with extra content and functionality produced specifically for the UK market.”
There’s a lot of talk about how this will help UK based podcasting. Unfortunately no one is stating exactly how it will help. How will it enable people to create better content? How will it encourage business to get more involved in podcasting? Does it really help UK podcasting to create a place where they are segregated from the rest of the world of podcasting?
Your thoughts, Neville, are greatly appreciated.
I see your point, Rob, but I think BT PodShow could well be the kick-start for podcasting in the UK that’s been sorely needed for quite a while.
Reading BT’s press release again, it seems pretty clear that that setting up a UK version of PodShow is to do with the precise deal BT did with PodShow, ie, license it for launch in the UK. BT is a telco that’s evolving into other businesses and they must see this as one of the ways to help them do that in the UK.
Plus if they plan to sign deals with record labels, there may well be copyright and music licensing issues that restrict it to the UK only. Just guessing here, though.
Not sure I see this as being segregated from the rest of the world. I couldn’t see anything in the terms of use that says a user has to be in the UK. It’s interesting that when you sign up for service, the sign-up form asks you to choose what country you’re in. A long list, not just the UK.
It’s very early days with this. Maybe a better view of its potential will emerge once we know how many sign-ups they have and how people use the service. And what they say about it.