Under four hours to go until we formally launch crayon today in Second Life.

As you might imagine, I’ve devoted much of my time this week in preparing for this event. So not much else has caught my attention. Emails unanswered, RSS feeds unread, as I focus on my contributions to getting ready for showtime.

Seeing our island developing before my eyes has been spectacular. CC has done tremendous work here as he worked with Millions of Us, the creative geniuses in Second Life, whose results will be on show today. You can see the development timeline in our Flickr photos.

Last Sunday, we announced that crayon is coming and reactions have been overwhelming – including an amazing 80 comments and trackbacks to my post – the vast majority good wishes and support. It really is humbling to see so many good wishes. Thanks again, everyone.

We’ve launched our group blog, connecting the dots, which is the place to go for crayon conversations.

Shel and I recorded today’s edition of For Immediate Release earlier this morning, but I’m not sure what time I’ll be able to get the show notes up. If you subscribe to the RSS feed, you’ll get the MP3 as Shel has uploaded the files.

Anyway, must crack on with things!

One response to “Today’s the day – crayon launches”

  1. Congratulations Neville! (Första företagsstarten i Second Life)…

    En av mina 2-3 närmaste samarbetspartners har i dag startat ett nytt företag. Det är förstås inget ovanligt. Men att det sker i den virtuella verkligheten Second Life är nog första gången. Spännande.
    Good luck Neville. I hope you’re succ…