Heading into London this afternoon for the Delivering The New PR conference tomorrow.

I’m looking forward to meeting up again with Philip Young, Tom Murphy, Stuart Bruce and Chris Rushton for the fifth in this series of one-day conferences. Over the past year, we’ve helped quite a few communicators around the UK expand their knowledge of what social media can help them achieve in the practice of public relations.

Missing from our presenters’ line-up this time is Elizabeth Albrycht who is somewhat preoccupied with a few things including an imminent new member of her family. We’ll toast you at tonight’s speakers’ dinner, Elizabeth!

As Elizabeth can’t be with us, Philip and I will be taking Elzabeth’s presentation slot on networking. I’ll be adding some perspectives on virtual communities like Second Life.

Today’s edition of the FIR podcast won’t include me live with Shel. I sent him a recorded contribution this morning which he’ll include in the show, which he’s recording with guest presenter Leesa Barnes.

Being on the road means that I’m going to miss taking part in a briefing today from Dell re an announcement they’re making in conjunction with the Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA).

I won’t give the game away; just pay attention to Direct2Dell from about 5pm UK time today.

On the road also means I’ll miss Second Thursday in Second Life today which is being hosted by Eric Rice in the Hipcast Conference & Expo Center in Second Life. A bummer to miss that one.

More later.

6 responses to “Delivering The New PR in London”

  1. Kami Huyse avatar

    We’ll miss you too Neville, you are always the life of the party! I think this one will be really interesting since we are having both MSM and in-world reporters as our speakers. Hope to see you next month!

  2. neville avatar

    I agree, Kami, it looks very interesting from reading your post about it.

    Well, have a terrific time and I look forward to reading all about it!

  3. […] The first part of the morning session comprised excellent scene-setting presentations from Philip Young and Tom Murphy about what social media is and means for the public relations profession. That was a really good way to kick off the day as it made sure everyone understood the strategic context for the more practical presentations that followed on blogging (Stuart Bruce) and podcasting (Neville Hobson). […]

  4. Kami Huyse avatar

    I have posted the transcript of the meeting at my blog if you care to take a look. Take care.

  5. Sarah Hayman avatar

    Delivering the New PR was certainly an eye opener for those on the periphery of the PR Market. As a head hunter in this industry it’s always of interest when there are new developments – and Lydia Mallison-Jones was already a convert so it wasn’t going to take that much to persuade me.

    The Second Life debate will rage on in our office (or in the diner next door to crayon ;)).

  6. neville avatar

    Thanks, Kami. I saw it as soon as you posted, courtesy of your RSS feed.

    Sarah, do drop in to crayonville Island. I’m there most days, in the mornings GMT. Often hanging out in the diner. Congrats on your new blog, by the way.