I thought I might escape this one, but Martyn Davies tagged me in the ‘Five Things You Don’t Know About Me’ game that’s been doing the rounds of the blogosphere during the past week.
So here goes…
- Not only was I at the premiere in London of the original Star Wars film in December 1977, I went back and saw it again the very next night. Dominion Tottenham Court Road, if my memory serves.
- At boarding school in the UK in the late 60s, caught bringing in illicit booze one weekend. Two bottles of cider which I dropped and broke, thus making discovery inevitable. I was grounded for the whole term. No weekends away, etc. Thus ended a potential career in smuggling.
- The closest I’ve come to death was being caught in a rip tide off Playa Jaco, Costa Rica, in 1985. I almost didn’t make it. My swimming buddy, Norbert La Valle, didn’t.
- When I lived in Sharjah, UAE, in the late 70s, I used to have breakfast every day at the Dubai Intercontinental hotel on Deira side.
- I still have my original Microsoft Network bug-killer t-shirt that Microsoft sent to beta testers after the launch of Windows 95 and the Microsoft Network. Even better: it still fits.
Tagging five others. Let’s see who’s paying attention to their RSS feeds or inbound links stats – Nicky Wake, Tabita Seagrave, Steve Mallison-Jones, Alex Briggs, Serge Cornelus.
3 responses to “The 5 things tag”
Hi Neville,
Crazy how these things go fast… I was tagged yesterday and just did my part on my blog. Looking forward to meet again at one of the conferences. (Melcrum’s one on social media – 21/22 March in London is already booked, see you there if not before.)
If we don’t speak before; all my best wished for 2007 !
You too, Phillippe – Merry Christmas!
Oh no. Only just now noticed the tag. But I’m on blog leave till after New Year (doctor’s orders, wife’s orders, kids’ orders :-) ). I’ll try and remember to pick up the meme then. Meanwhile: happy holidays!