davosconversationKeeping up with informal commentary and opinion from the 2007 World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland (it starts on January 24) will be a treat this year as this meeting will be the most blogged and podcasted one so far.

The first place to start is the davos conversation aggregator which presents links to blogs and podcasts from a wide variety of participants who will be blogging the event on their own blogs, as well as videos of some of the sessions and links to media reporting.

You can subscribe to content from this aggregator via its RSS feed.

Then there’s forumblog.org, the official World Economic Forum blog – and sub-titled with the disclaimer “An online journal of (your) views that do not necessarily reflect those of the Forum” – where a number of attendees will blog directly here. The blog lists only one blogger at the moment (Loic Le Meur) but expect more to post as the meeting gets underway. Again, there’s an RSS feed you can subscribe to and get the posts, podcasts and videocasts.

But it’s not only listening to what others are saying – you can also contribute your views and opinions for those at Davos to consider by creating a video commentary and uploading it to YouTube. Jeff Jarvis explains.

Possibly the most interesting aspect of the Forum’s online activities will be the event in the Reuters Auditorium in Second Life that will take place on January 26. Adam Reuters will conduct a series of interviews with artists, politicians and executives in Davos but in front of a live Second Life audience.

Golden opportunities to be part of the conversations.

[Technorati: ]

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