atlantaflagsGreetings from Atlanta, USA!

I arrived late yesterday in the A-Town after a 9-hour direct flight from Gatwick. I’ll be here for the coming week on client business.

Although I’ve travelled through Atlanta quite a few times before, this is the first time I’ve actually stayed in the city rather than only getting to know the airport.

I flew Delta and it was a pleasant travel experience.  A 767 with the plane only half full and a coach-class seat by the emergency exit so plenty of leg room. No one sitting in front of me so no reclining seat nightmare.

By the way, I watched a terrific in-flight move I thoroughly recommend – Flags of Our Fathers, Clint Eastwood’s latest work as director. A wonderful story around that iconic American image of the raising of the US flag at Iwo Jima in World War 2.

Staying at the Four Seasons downtown. Great room (here’s a pic from my outside balcony) with that all-important thing – great net connectivity.

Today’s a big sports day here in the US, as I’ve been constantly hearing since I arrived here – the Superbowl. Although rugby is more my cup of tea, so to speak – the Six Nations Championship is now underway – I shall be experiencing this American football extravaganza via TV later today.

So, here for the coming week means erratic blogging for a while. Posting times might look a bit odd as this blog is set to GMT but I’m now on Eastern time, or GMT minus 5 hours. Shel will also be here (plus JosephCC and Aaron) and that means we’ll be recording the next two episodes of FIR together, live and face to face.

We’re also thinking about a geek dinner while we’re all here. If you’re in Atlanta or nearby and fancy a get together, let me know. Thinking about Wednesday.

More later.

7 responses to “On the road in the USA”

  1. Mike Keliher avatar

    Welcome to the States, Neville. I’m in the distant land of Minnesota, so I won’t be able to make it to the geek dinner in Atlanta. Have fun, though.

  2. Phil Gomes avatar

    There’s a great Italian place there called Veni Vidi Vici. I discovered it when I visited the Edelman Atlanta office in Dec. 2006. Go check it out!

  3. neville avatar

    Thanks for those wishes, Mike.

    Phil, nice recommendation, thanks.

  4. Clarence Jones avatar

    Welcome back to our ‘hood! Glad that you are going to be enjoying the pleasures of Southern Hospitality. Y’all have a good time!
    Love & Peace, Clarence

  5. neville avatar

    Well thanks, Clarence, much appreciated. I’ve already begun to experience that excellent Southern Hospitality.

    Phil, note that we’re doing a geek dinner on Wed at the VVV you recommended.

  6. […] After an intense week in Atlanta on client business – plus a terrific geek dinner on Wednesday – now I’m in the very cold north-east US for the next four days for a gathering of crayons. […]

  7. […] Films about the Second World War war don’t do much for me. I can count on one hand such films that have made an impact, the most recent being Flags of Our Fathers which I saw on a plane journey in February. […]