Today marks the first anniversary of this blog when I switched to WordPress after being with TypePad since 2004.

Over 660 posts with more than 2,670 comments and trackbacks during the past twelve months. Phew! That’s a lot of chat and a pretty good signal-to-noise ratio. It includes some great conversations – take a look at the ’10 most commented posts’ list in the sidebar to see some of those conversations.

It also includes (rather, excludes) well over 27,000 spam comments and trackbacks that were blocked by Akismet over the past year. As I’ve said before, what would we do without Akismet?

Thanks to everyone who has joined in with the conversations here and linked from elsewhere. Looking forward to another twelve months of your company!

2 responses to “A year of great conversations”

  1. Vicky avatar

    Hi Neville,
    I only recently discovered your blog, must have been more or less when posting number 640 appeared :-) By coincidence while searching the net for podcasting information. Yes, I work in one of those companies considering podcasts and other social media for internal communication. All of a sudden you have a writer’s block while building your presentation to convince your management. Thank you internet for getting me to Neville Hobson’s website. Hope we will be podcasting when posting 1000 will appear. Keep them coming Neville… but not too fast :-)

  2. neville avatar

    Thanks, Vicky, and very glad to count you among this site’s community.

    When you do start podcasting, do let me know.