An April Fool’s Day joke, but imagine if it were true –

“Internal Communicator” is world’s most-desired job, survey finds

Internal comms beats rock star and footballer to top spot.

According to a new study released today by research company, Rumclem, internal communications has now become the field that most young people claim to want to work in when they’re adults.

Once popular professions, such as footballer, or rock star, have now plummeted to the nether regions of desired jobs list.

Research, undertaken earlier this year with 4,000 youngsters across the globe, revealed a seachange in the professions that youngsters cite as their dream jobs.

While “Internal Communicator” came top of the list, the popular professions that kids of previous generations aspired to, such as footballer, or rock star, have now plummeted to the nether regions of the most-desired jobs list.

It almost had me fooled :)

Read about it all on the Internal Comms Hub.

(Via Robin Crumby)

9 responses to “From the ‘would it were true’ department”

  1. Robin Crumby avatar

    Always had you pigeon-holed as an armchair rockstar, Neville. Perhaps those two worlds will collide after all and you can be an internal comms rockstar. See Phil Turner’s blog on rock and roll blogging…

  2. Mike Klein avatar

    Those crafty folks at Rumclem–always on the cutting edge of the research. But their typical lack of precision deprived us of the all important breakdown of the kinds of internal comms roles desired by the young youths of the world.

    I would have liked to see where “underemployed Internal Comms Blogger” compared with “fossilized Head of Internal Comms who still believes in Team Briefing”. Also more subtle distinctions between “exalted intranet html gimp” and “mildly overpaid newsletter designer with a grab bag of graphic arts skills”.

    Alas, those distinctions were not brought to life by this interesting, though pathetically superficial effort. I guess we lot must draw our own conclusions.


    Mike Klein
    Washington, DC

  3. Tom Keefe avatar
    Tom Keefe

    This prank “news item” shot a dagger into my heart, hurting even worse than the tack in my butt from my elementary school days. Read about it in my blog.

  4. Robin Crumby avatar

    Oh come, come. Since when did internal communicators take themselves so seriously!? Flashbacks of nasty childhood tack incidents indeed! As one of the wicked perps who instigated this treachery, I’ve kindly offered to pay Tom’s therapy bill…

    The thought of communicators the world over punching the air shouting ‘about time too’. Too funny.

    Hey, isn’t there a serious message in there somewhere?

  5. Tom Keefe avatar

    I’ve kindly offered to pay Tom’s therapy bill…

    That’s a relief, because I wasn’t sure how I was going to make the next payment to my therapist, and he threatened to cut me off from the electric shock treatments. He told me not to worry, because my boss would shock me for free if I asked him to start a blog one more time.
    “Hey, is that a tack in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”

  6. James Brown avatar

    Tom, in that case you’ll really, really hate this week’s special April Fool’s“Source for Communicators”. In fact don’t look, it’ll just make the pain worse.

  7. Tom Keefe avatar

    Ow, ow, ow, James. Thanks for now twisting the tack that you’ve inserted into my butt.

    Actually, I think your list of “boss pranks” is a clever Melcrum marketing tool for your “Job of the Week” feature. Expect a few inquiries from anyone who tries your suggestion to play burping sounds on the PC of his or her boss. Why didn’t you tell them to add a whoopie cushion at the same time, for a stereo bodily function serenade?

  8. Vicky avatar

    Melcrum fooled me with this one! The article hangs in my office now. I’m not a youngster anymore (although I often feel like one) but for me it’s still my perfect dream job. Aren’t we the rock stars of the company anyway? :-)

  9. neville avatar

    Always had you pigeon-holed as an armchair rockstar, Neville

    Well, thanks, Robin ;) I did have a go at being an armchair rocker DJ a few weeks ago. Plus my aging rocker style in Second Life.

    Must be that mid-life crisis or something!