A new podcasting conference is coming to Europe this summer – Podcamp Europe will take place in Stockholm on June 12-13.
This is part of the successful series of podcasting unconferences that have taken place across North America during the past year as well as in Second Life. Podcamp Europe is organized by Christopher S. Penn and Chris Brogan, co-founders of the original PodCamp.
Here’s what you can expect at Podcamp Europe:
[…] It’s a gathering of podcasters, bloggers, and new media professionals & amateurs for two days to share, explore, challenge, and grow our abilities in new media. Learn about audio and video podcasting, blogging, photography, Second Life, Twitter, and all kinds of other new and social media tools.
There’s no cost to participate other than your travel and accommodation. You can sign up for Podcamp Europe here.
I’d love to go but can’t as I’m already committed on those June dates. But I see from the Podcamp wiki that Podcamp UK is planned for later this year in Manchester. That looks more likely for me.