Wherever you are in the world, you’d have to have been completely disconnected from everything during this past week if you have not heard about Madeleine McCann, the little British girl abducted in Portugal.

It continues to be the lead story on TV news broadcasts here in the UK, and today came news of more rewards for information leading to her safe return.

The outpouring of sympathy and support from people worldwide is extraordinary and I’m sure I have the same feelings as just about anyone in praying for the toddler’s safe return to her family.

From watching some of the TV news, you can see what many people in many different countries have been doing to raise awareness about this mystery. Posters, flyers, yellow ribbons, you name it.

Such communication has even reached the virtual world of Second Life as I discovered a short while ago when I encountered this poster at the new D2TK shopping island:


It was created by D2TK owner Tatoo Korvin. He’s given me a copy which I’ve placed in my new office digs (still being furbished) at Limitless Worlds island.

The poster is free to copy so if you want one to display somewhere in Second Life, either visit D2TK’s new sim (just type that in the in-world SL search box) or my place and grab a copy.

Do your bit in Second Life.

2 responses to “The search for Madeleine even reaches Second Life”

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