I’m speaking at some terrific conferences in the first half of June that might interest you, whatever area of organizational communication you’re involved with.
On Tuesday June 5, Delivering The New PR 2.0 takes place in central London. This is the second in the latest series of one-day events from the University of Sunderland that started in 2005 (we did five conferences around the UK in 2005/2006: Philip Young has a nice history).
For 2007, the all-new content will reflect the rapid growth and significance of the ‘new PR’ with dedicated sessions on blogging in business, public and voluntary sector applications, integrating social media into communication strategies, media law, and measurement and ROI. I’ll be speaking about virtual communities such as Second Life.
As with the previous conferences, we have a great speaker lineup including Philip Young, Chris Rushton, Tom Murphy and Stuart Bruce.
If you’re in PR and are interested in disproving claims that PR doesn’t work in a Web 2.0 world, then this is the event for you. You can book online.
Starting on Wednesday June 6, Engagement, Social Media and the Internal Communication Revolution kicks off, also in central London.
Organized jointly by Ragan Communications and SimplyCommunicate.com, this three-day conference has a wealth of content that anyone involved with internal communication will find of real value.
On June 6, I’m co-leading an afternoon workshop on business podcasting. My podcasting partner Shel Holtz will be here from California and I’m looking forward to seeing him again. (Shel being here means that we’ll be presenting a live and face-to-face edition of our For Immediate Release podcast sometime on Thursday June 7.)
I’m also participating in the interactive social media forum discussion on Friday June 8. Download the brochure (PDF) to see the whole programme. And you can book online.
I’ll be in Brussels on June 11 and 12 for the European Communication Summit, a two-day conference with Europe’s top communication directors and spokespersons from business, associations, NGOs and politics.
I’ll be taking part in a panel discussion that will address how social media change the rules of the communication game.
We’ll be offering answers to questions such as what have blogs and podcasts – video and audio – really changed in communication management. Are bloggers the new opinion makers? Do we overestimate the impact of social media?
More information on the conference website. And you can book online.
Lots of professional development opportunities for everyone.
One response to “Speaking at upcoming events”
Delivering the New PR 2.0 in London…
Next Tuesday 5 June the Delivering the New PR 2.0 conference rolls into London.
I found the first Delivering the New PR conference really interesting and I certainly learnt a lot.
This time around the conference features completely new content from a…