Last week, I wrote about TwitterGram, a tool/service developed by Dave Winer that lets you record a brief audio message and post it to Twitter.
It’s already proving to be quite a popular tool, judging from the flurry of ‘grams people have been posting. Being popular isn’t the same as being effective, incidentally. No matter for the moment: as this medium evolves, I’m pretty sure it will quickly find a place in organizational communication.
Until now, I’ve only used TwitterGram once primarily because the process you have to go through really is a bit fussy, involving as it does recording on your PC or portable device in the right file format and then uploading that file via the TwitterGram website.
Now, there’s a very easy way to do it, via a new dial-in service from BlogTalkRadio.
Here’s how it works:
- Decide which phone you want to use to call in TwitterGrams. The phone must have Caller ID.
- Visit the new phone signup page. Enter the phone number from step 1, and your Twitter username and password.
- When you want to leave a TwitterGram using your phone, dial 646-716-6000 (a US number so +1 from outside). Leave a short message, less than half a minute (remember the 200K limit). Hang up when you’re finished.
I tried it and it worked perfectly, right up to the part where the TwitterGram should have appeared on Twitter. It didn’t.
The fault isn’t TwitterGram’s, as far as I can tell. It seems to be to do with caller ID. I used Skype to make my call. Skype does support caller ID for the UK SkypeOut number I used. But caller ID on Skype isn’t foolproof.
Easier just to pick up a normal phone and make the call, I hear you say! Well, yes, but I want to use Skype. Apart from anything else, it’s considerably cheaper.
I’m sure a niggle like this will be resolved sooner rather than later. In the meantime, I’m equally sure that being able to phone in your audio comments just made TwitterGram massively appealing.
2 responses to “Phone in your TwitterGram”
This is Bob from BlogTalkRadio. Please email me the number you set up for the twittergram. I would like to see what number we actually received on the callerid.
Thanks, Bob, email on the way.