Since earlier this year, my home in Second Life has been this rented office at Limitless Worlds.


That’s about to change imminently as I received notification late last week that Limitless Worlds has been sold and the Limitless group is being disbanded. Everyone has to vacate by August 31!

It’s a shame as Limitless Worlds has been a terrific landlord. One of the things that attracted me to Limitless in the first place was it’s name. Great people and a great environment to have a business-focused presence.

So I’m looking to rent new digs. Nothing especially fancy. All I really need is space with sufficient prim allowance (150-200 would do) and streaming audio/video capability. Plus the ability to build, eg, add furniture, etc. If there were presentation rooms available, as Limitless offered, great.

One very cool feature Limitless also offered was a conference table (you can just see the top of it in the pic above) that rezzes seats as required and takes you up into the sky and rezzes your very own private conference room. A very nice feature.

As for where the office should be, I have a pretty open mind (although I don’t want to be in a red light district).

I’ve been looking at a few locations, one or two of which I could happily go with.

But as with most things, I’d rather get a recommendation than flip through the Yellow Pages, so to speak.

Does anyone have a recommendation?

3 responses to “Looking for new office space in Second Life”

  1. Lee Hopkins avatar

    Hi Neville,

    I’ve been looking for the same sort of thing. The chaps over at IBM pointed me to this interesting link:

    Good luck!

  2. neville avatar

    Thanks Lee. I did search the SL Community (once I’d got past the frequent server 500 error at that link) as well as in world. Loads of options.

    But I have a couple of good recommendations so I’m checking out a handful of places.

  3. Dave Briggs avatar

    Neville, do share your findings with us – I’m looking into getting myself a virtual office, too!