newstalk120 During my visit to Ireland last week, on the way to PodCamp Ireland in Kilkenny, I was interviewed on Down To Business, Ireland’s premier business radio show on NewsTalk radio.

The show’s presenter is Damien Kiberd, one of Ireland’s leading business journalists. We talked in the Dublin studio for some seven minutes or so for a recording that was included in his show which was broadcast on Saturday September 29, the day of PodCamp Ireland.

Our conversation ranged across social media, PodCamp Ireland, rumours of Microsoft buying into Facebook and How to Do Everything With Podcasting, the book Shel and I produced and which was published in June.

I’ve just seen the podcast of that interview, available now at the NewsTalk website. You can listen to it here, too. And why not subscribe to the show’s RSS feed so you can get all of Damien’s interviews.

Overall, we had a pretty good conversation. Damien is a good radio presenter who puts you at your ease so it was a pleasure to engage in conversation with him.

Thanks again are due to Krishna De who organized this interview.

3 responses to “In conversation with Damien Kiberd”

  1. Krishna De avatar

    Neville – you are more than welcome – just delighted that we managed to get you featured on Newstalk and on Dublin City Annalivia.

  2. Sallie Goetsch (rhymes with "sketch") avatar

    Y’know, this is the third or fourth show I’ve encountered recently where I couldn’t just click to download (or play, for that matter) and had to subscribe. And then there are no ID3 tags. Not your fault, of course, but irksome. Another case of *Podcastus Inhospitus*.

  3. neville avatar

    I noticed that on the NewsTalk website too, Sallie: no download or play option, only subscribe. I wonder how many would-be listeners just stop at that point.

    Krishna, it’s thanks to you for some pretty good media relations :)