
Quite a few blog networks have sprung up in the past year or so. The granddaddy of them all is Weblogs Inc, the early pioneer among English-language blog networks, with a broad offering of content covering a very wide range of topics.

There’s Jeremy Wright’s b5media out of Canada with over 290 individual blogs. In the pure tech area, there’s TechCrunch and its international sites. The newest tech network is Blognation with 13 local sites ranging from the US, through Western Europe and out to India and China.

Here’s something good to see –, a new network of blogs in and about topics and issues of interest in Eastern Europe.

Started by Lee Wilkins, a Brit based in Romania, the embryonic network has launched with blogs in Romania, Bulgaria and Russia written in the languages of those countries.

If you don’t speak any of those languages and you have an interest in that region of Europe, luckily one of the blogs is written in English.

Content so far embraces broad topics, from business to culture.

Those three countries are only the beginning, according to TechCrunch:

[…] Wilkins says he’ll be launching in ten more eastern European countries soon, and eventually will cover the whole region. Each country will have six blogs, each one focused on a single topic: business/media, culture, lifestyle, politics, science and tech/gadgets. The blogs will be written in local languages, and English translations of most blog posts will be made available on separate blogs.

Bloggers are being paid a flat fee for their work – a base pay of €300/month with bonuses for longer and more frequent posts. The company is being bootstrapped right now, and Wilkins is looking for angel funding.

A welcome addition to the ways of connecting with bloggers in one of the most interesting and changing areas of the world.

[Later] MyKinda blog launched with a first post announcing the new network.

2 responses to “MyKinda blog network launches in Eastern Europe”

  1. Lee Wilkins avatar


    Thank you for the kind words… A long road lays ahead, but we’re beginning to go in the right direction…

  2. David avatar

    Great post — Web 2.0 is amazing, isn’t it? We launched a free blog host recently for explorers and adventurers (, which has become fairly popular over the past few weeks…it gives me goosebumps to see so much good user participation on all these blog sites!

    The Creative Connector