I’ve never watched The Likeaballs, a cartoon TV series for kids on the BBC’s Ceebeebies channel at 7am every weekday.

I’m a bit outside the target demographic :)

But could The Likeaballs be the saviour for English football now that the head coach has been fired following the national team’s disastrous performance at Wembley the other night?

manageaball That’s what The Likeaballs want to see and have nominated character Manageaball for the job!

To get support for the idea, a Facebook group has just been launched which already has nearly 100 members. I’ve joined!

And why not a woman coach, even if a cartoon character? No male coach seems to be able to so anything but lead our national team (and pride) to resounding defeats.

Is Manageaball up to the job? She thinks so:

I am extremely honoured to be considered as the next England Coach, it’s such a big gig for me! It would be a real wrench to part company with The Likeaballs but, as England has been our adopted country ever since we landed here from space, I feel it’s my duty to do all that I can to make the England Football team great again.

Go on, give your support. You know you want to!

A nice capture-the-zeitgeist idea from Staniforth, the agency who does PR for The Likeaballs. Expect to see media coverage from today. And keep an eye out for Manageaball on YouTube next week.

2 responses to “The saviour for English football”

  1. Garrison avatar

    What about a foreign woman as England’s new head coach? Why not?

    If so, then Nancy Dell’Olio surely has to be the prime candidate, with perhaps Sven as her number 2 ;-)

  2. neville avatar

    Heh! Nice suggestion, Garrison. Why not indeed.