A new information resource for communicators launched today – Media Bullseye, the latest venture from serial entrepreneur Chip Griffin.


Chip, who is also CEO of CustomScoop – one of the sponsors of the FIR podcast I co-present with Shel Holtz – describes Media Bullseye as "a multimedia magazine focused on the changing communications landscape and aimed at PR, marketing, and media professionals."

Media Bullseye is the latest entrant to a growing information marketplace providing news and information of distinct interest and relevance to communicators.

My immediate thought is to compare Media Bullseye with the recently-relaunched Ragan.com website. In both cases, so much great content to benefit from.

Media Bullseye solicits contributions from anyone who thinks they have something useful to contribute. And they’ll get paid.

The first outside contributions are from social media influencers Chris Brogan and Chris Thilk, whose content joins that of Chip and Sarah Wurrey, a writer with great personality.

It’s a terrific beginning and suggestive that Media Bullseye will add to your repertoire of valuable information resources on the net.

If you’re a communicator, get it right away – subscribe to the Media Bullseye RSS feed.

4 responses to “Track the changing communication landscape with Media Bullseye”

  1. Sarah Wurrey avatar

    Thanks so much for the kind words Neville! We appreciate the support.

  2. neville avatar

    You’re off to a great start, Sarah, and I wish you every success!

  3. […] Track the changing communication landscape with Media Bullseye : NevilleHobson.com “A new information resource for communicators launched today – Media Bullseye, the latest venture from serial entrepreneur Chip Griffin.” (tags: media bullseye pr marketing communications web advertising) […]

  4. JJ Ciempa avatar

    I am very excited to see that the site is up and running. Look forward to reading great information on social media and communications. Chip and gand, congrats on the new venture. Neville, thanks for keeping us up to date.
