I realized the other day that I’d been remiss in not updating the list of events in which I will be speaking or presenting in the next few months.

Now done. In fact, I’ve re-structured the page on which I list such information, under Events, a more logical label. That’s now a main item on the menu bar at the head of this page (on the blog).

I also decided to include events which I’m attending, not necessarily speaking at. I’ve made clear in the listings which is which.

I’ll update the Events page as required so that it will reflect the latest picture. But here’s a bullet-point list of events I’ve committed to be at so far this year (the ones I’m speaking at are indicated with *); some more information on the Events page:

I’ve also added a new page about the participation options I consider – fee or pro bono. Just to make things clearer for event organizers who try and persuade me that the best value for my participation is the networking opportunities. That approach simply does not work.

In any case, there are some tremendous events taking place in the coming months, all of which I’m proud to be part of.

Hope to see/hear you there!

2 responses to “Upcoming events”

  1. Ted Demopoulos, Effective Internet Presence avatar

    Your speaking policy is brilliant.
    A large portion of my revenue is from speaking, but I could fill my calendar with ‘free’ speaking events.

    I’m glad to do some, and I do, but they’re the exception. I really should document this as you have!

  2. neville avatar

    Thanks Ted.

    It never ceases to amaze me how many conference organizers – especially some of the very large ones – still ring up about a conference, fully expecting participation in their for-profit event without offering remuneration of any kind.

    The worst offenders are those who say something like “our policy is not to pay speaking fees.” The arrogance! Actually, worst of all is when they say “we have no budget for speakers’ fees.”

    Thankfully, this is now not the norm as it seemed to be a couple of years ago.

    Still, a statement setting out my policy should make it clear. Assuming those organizers actually read the blog so they get a sense of what kinds of things I might speak about before they call.

    That’s another story…