I enjoy a writing challenge, and I’m about to embark on a pretty interesting one.

Working with Drew Benvie at Hotwire PR, I’m researching information to write 1,000 words for a chapter in a publication that will chronicle the history of social networking in the UK. Drew says it will be a unique review of the UK social networking market from its inception to the present day.

The topic I’ve chosen is titled "Death of the subscription model – What revenue model can support future innovation if consumers want everything for free?"

I have some clear outline ideas but I’m also looking for suggestions.

Anyone care to point me in a few directions? I’ll find a way to reference you and your input in the article.

Thanks, much appreciated.

One response to “History of social networking in the UK”

  1. Eamon avatar


    This sounds like a really useful (and interesting) project. Would be grateful if you could keep us posted on this.