I’m heading to Brussels tomorrow to participate in EuroBlog 2008, a two-day conference that mashes up academia and PR to produce an event that I’m sure will be worth the time of everyone attending, speakers and guests alike.
This is the third such annual event organized by The European Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA), this year along with the Département de Communication Université Catholique du Louvain and the Institut des Hautes Etudes des Communications Sociales, Brussels.
And also this year, the organizers secured sponsorship from Edelman.
I’m looking forward to being part of this year’s event. I spoke at EuroBlog 2007 in Gent, Belgium last March; reviewing my post about it, I smiled as the memory came back about one discussion topic over dinner:
[…] The hottest topic of the many discussed at my dinner table was Twitter. The discussion reflected much of what everyone is talking about – what is it about this texting/chatting/stream-of-consciousness service that is both compelling and confounding? Plenty of opinion abounded.
I wonder what the hot one will be this year.
The overall agenda looks terrific with some great speakers.
From around Europe, there’s Philip Young, David Phillips (we’re travelling to Brussels by car together), Richard Bailey, Philippe Borremans, Thomas Pleil, Kris Hoet and David Jennings, to name but a few.
From the US, some well-known names such as David Weinberger and Steve Rubel. I’ll be on a couple of panels with these two luminaries on Friday.
Philip Young – the driver in much of the planning – has set up a CoverItLive session so you will be able to follow live blogging of the conference as it happens.
Plus Twitter no doubt.
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One response to “Social media and the future of PR”
“I wonder what the hot one will be this year.” Looks like openness and authenticity are. Which are a lot less easy to grasp, apparently. Interesting points being made, though. Thanks for the contributions…