A definite highlight of my trip to Chicago last week was a visit to Wrigley Field to see a baseball game.
My first ever such visit took me to the home of the Chicago Cubs to see them play the Baltimore Orioles.
As you may imagine, an Englishman watching a baseball game in America without understanding it much – and which, to underscore my ignorance, I referred to as a ‘match’ – is a potential setup for some amusement, perhaps akin to the stuff we tend to dish out to visiting Americans about cricket.
Add a German to the mix and the potential for amusement gets quite large.
Luckily, my fellow European Wolfgang Luenenbuerger and I had the benefit of the wisdom of our host, Marshall Manson, who ably explained how the game works.
And I captured it all on video.
Along with Wolfgang’s and Marshall’s fellow Edelman colleagues Rick Murray, Monty Lutz and Erin Caldwell – also stars of the video – I was in Chicago to participate in Edelman’s New Media Academic Summit 2008.
Anyway, the baseball game was great fun especially seeing it at one of America’s hallowed venues.
As for the rules of the match game, there’s now a good video reference complete with the sounds of Wrigley Field, so there’s no risk of not getting it in future.
Not sure about Wolfgang, though. :)
Technical note:
- Video recorded on a Sony DCR-SR52 30Gb hard disk camcorder, in native MPEG-2 file format.
- Video imported into and edited (adding text effects, fades) with Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum Edition.
- New video exported as WMV and uploaded to YouTube.
5 responses to “Baseball for dummies”
At Cubs game with @jangles, @luebue, @rickmurray, @shmay and @montelutz, @jangles filmed me teaching baseball. http://tinyurl.com/5zeoy4
At Cubs game with @jangles, @luebue, @rickmurray, @shmay and @montelutz, @jangles filmed me teaching baseball. http://tinyurl.com/5zeoy4
Thanks and yes, I think I got it (basically) {seesmic_video:{“url_thumbnail”:{“value”:”http://t.seesmic.com/thumbnail/VLbkzWadSN_th1.jpg”}”title”:{“value”:”Thanks and yes, I think I got it (basically) “}”videoUri”:{“value”:”http://www.seesmic.com/video/IxEHiLEadR”}}}
Glad you got it too! {seesmic_video:{“url_thumbnail”:{“value”:”http://t.seesmic.com/thumbnail/ZktKCWLqc0_th1.jpg”}”title”:{“value”:”Glad you got it too! “}”videoUri”:{“value”:”http://www.seesmic.com/video/3CeNxrqM5c”}}}
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