It’s late August bank holiday weekend in the UK, which often means traffic jams, rock festivals, iffy weather and maybe a strike.
It’s all of that so a usual bank holiday experience :)
So as I’m in the holiday spirit too, and not writing much in this blog before Tuesday, I’m taking the opportunity to concisely wrap up some thoughts on a few things.
- Enjoying Blip.FM, a new discovery courtesy of Bernie Goldbach. I often have music playing in the background but usually from my own library served from a 500-gig network hard drive. A music social network is a bit of a different approach so happy to discover. Chris Hambly has a good review of Blip.FM although not everyone likes it.
- Wondering how PA Consulting, the firm at the heart of the latest loss of personal data, will address the reputation impact of this scandal. Not a word on their own website (it’s the weekend and a holiday one at that: who’s paying attention?), and just look at what you get if you do a simple search on Google News for ‘PA Consulting.’ Heather Yaxley wonders if the firm knows what PR is about.
- Getting to know agglom, a new web service that lets you (it says here) “save and publish your current web search results or browser session on the web; share them as a multimedia web page, as an RSS feed or as a Web Slideshow.†It looks promising as this demo by Thomas Pleil indicates.
- Prepping a review post to go on my tech blog about the 3 Skypephone S2. It’s an interesting phone although I had a challenging experience, let’s say, when trying to set it up as a data modem when in London on Friday. That’ll be in the review, along with a short video showing me starting up the phone, which I hope to get posted on Monday as they want the phone back on Tuesday.
- And discovering another phone – a Nokia E71 which I’ll be using over the next few weeks. A very different experience than the N95 8GB. One good thing: I have Qik working on this phone.
- Still trying to figure out what the value is of Verisign’s Personal Identity Portal which I’ve been signed up to for about a year yet never really used. Maybe I just can’t figure it out even with some helpful explanations.
- Thinking about some influencer opinions during the past few days about the value of public relations. First, Jason Calacanis’ 10 tips for CEOs, followed by Loic Lemeur’s different ways to get the news out (to which I offered a video reply).
Well, that’s enough to be going on with.
Enjoy the holiday weekend!
2 responses to “Bank holiday links”
Thanks for the links, Neville. It will form most of my reading this drizzly Sunday morning!
My thoughts and some good discussion on is here:
Am plowing y way through Jason Calcanis’ article now, although the headline has me scared about what he’ll say already!
Enjoy your long weekend,
The utter silence on the corporate website about potential PR disasters seems to be normal at the moment. You mention the PA Consulting problem, Best Western show the same indifference as Craig McGill writes about the big hack unearthed by the Sunday Herald. As far as I can tell there’s nothing about this on the Best Western website.