This is getting to be a nice habit – for the third month in a row, my friends at information portal and news search engine Wikio have given me an advance look at their latest ranking of some of the top tech blogs in the UK.

As with last month, I’ve had a peek at the top 30 out of the top 100 tech blogs that Wikio will be publishing in the next day or so, when they will be updating all their rankings.

So here’s Wikio’s list of the top 30 tech blogs in the UK for February 2009:

  1. Blah! Blah! Technology
  2. TechCrunch UK
  3. Coolest Gadgets
  4. The Red Ferret Journal
  5. The Guardian Technology blog
  7. TechDigest
  8. imran.ali
  9. Dial-a-Phone
  10. jkkmobile
  11. B3ta Weblog
  12. Gadget Venue dot com
  13. Phones Review
  14. BlogStorm
  16. the::unwired
  17. Broadstuff
  18. NevilleHobson
  19. Simon Willison’s Weblog
  21. Blog.Spoon Graphics
  22. Infovore
  23. UK Offer Media Affiliate Blog
  24. Speckyboy – WordPress and Design
  25. GadgetGrid
  26. Wonderland
  27. David Naylor a UK SEO
  28. London Calling
  29. Talking with Talis Podcasts
  30. OUseful.Info, the blog…

Ranking by Wikio.

Some notable changes compared to January’s list:

  • Blah! Blah! Technology retains its top spot while TechCrunch UK moves up a slot to the number 2 position.
  • xlab, last month’s number 2, has dropped out of the top 30 entirely.
  • Some new entrants this month: Infovore at 22, London Calling at 28, and Talking with Talis Podcasts at 29.
  • One new entry I can’t figure out at all is /aoadstuff at number 17: the link just doesn’t work and I can’t find them anywhere with a Google search. [Later] Fixed: it’s Broadstuff at number 17. Seeing that, it’s obvious. Somehow the names list got weird in email transit from Wikio.
  • Some elevator-shifting among other entries including yours truly moving up a couple of slots to number 18.

See the complete list of the top 100 UK tech blogs at Wikio.

7 responses to “Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for Feb 2009”

  1. jangles (neville) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for Feb 2009: This is getting to be a nice habit – for the third month in a ro… [link to post]

    – Posted using Chat Catcher

  2. neville (Neville Hobson) avatar

    FriendFeed Comment

    [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for Feb 2009: This is getting to be a nice habit – for the third month in a ro… [link to post]

    – Posted using Chat Catcher

  3. Hobson: Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for Feb 2009: This is getting to be a nice habit – for the third month..

  4. David avatar

    I took the trouble to visit each of last month’s top 30 and got the distinct impression that the list, and the some of the more obscure entries on it, are more a reflection of the limitations of the Wikio site than a true reflection of the top 30 UK tech blogs…whatever that even means.

  5. oh dear, i’ve slipped to the 8th most influential tech blog in the UK this month ( – will cupcakes help again @amaliebee?

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