Data published yesterday by comScore Media Metrix shows that growth in the number of people who use Twitter continues non stop and the micro-blogging service now has nearly 10 million users worldwide.
According to comScore:
[…] Worldwide visitors to Twitter approached 10 million in February, up an impressive 700+% vs. year ago. The past two months alone have seen worldwide visitors climb more than 5 million visitors. U.S. traffic growth has been just as dramatic, with Twitter reaching 4 million visitors in February, up more than 1,000% from a year ago.
ComScore also has a breakdown showing the age range of Twitter users.
Citing a post by Reuters reporter Alexei Oreskovic, comScore says that users aged between 25-54 are driving the growth trend.
[…] 18-24 year olds, the traditional social media early adopters, are actually 12 percent less likely than average to visit Twitter (Index of 88). It is the 25-54 year old crowd that is actually driving this trend. More specifically, 45-54 year olds are 36 percent more likely than average to visit Twitter, making them the highest indexing age group, followed by 25-34 year olds, who are 30 percent more likely.
Such age influence seems to reflect a similar demographic with other social networks, eg, Facebook.
The past few days has seen a great deal of data published about the growth of Twitter. Yesterday, for instance, I wrote about the latest stats from Hitwise on Twitter’s growth in usage in the UK.
With comScore’s data, such information is very useful to get an overall sense of how Twitter is growing and who’s using it.
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26 responses to “Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth”
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RT @jangles: Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth [link to post]
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Interesting Neville, these stats just keep on going up and up. However, I am still wondering whether Twitter will be able to use its huge user base to make money, the advertising partnership deal announced today will have to be watched carefully. I suppose only time with tell.
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Hobson: Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth: Data published yesterday by comScore Media Metrix shows tha.. [link to post]
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RT @jangles: [Blog] Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth [link to post]
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RT @annika: Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth [link to post] My comment: The age range on Twitter users, is it a bad sign?
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What we like on the Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth: Data published yesterday by comScor..
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What we like on the Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth: Data published yesterday by comScor.. [link to post]
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Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth — Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth. Posted on April ..
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Twitter not for the youngest crowd. [link to post]
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Twitter has global reach from @jangles
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Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth — [link to post]
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Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth —
Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth —
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@MarketingProfs Ann- here’s some Twitter growth numbers, published this weeK: [link to post]
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@MarketingProfs Ann- here’s some Twitter growth numbers, published this weeK:
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Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth — [link to post]
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Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth —
RT @RT @jangles: Twitter’s explosive worldwide growth
[…] he goes again with The rise of the Twitter business opportunity: So as Twitter continues it’s seemingly endless growth trajectory – the micro-blogging service now has about 10 million users worldwide, says comScore – it […]
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twitter demographics debate: Pew shows A18-24 rule while comScore shows A45-54 rule [link to post]
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How old are Twitter users? comScore thinks you’re older [link to post] Pew thinks you’re younger — who’s right?
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RT @simantel: How old are Twitter users? comScore thinks you’re older [link to post] Pew thinks you’re younger …
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