delltwitter2 While many businesses are trying to work out how to make money from Twitter, computer maker Dell shows what they have done to validate Twitter as a credible business tool.

Last December, Dell claimed $1 million in sales that the company could directly attribute to their use of Twitter.

Dell offers refurbished laptops, desktops, workstations, servers and storage, and monitors and printers from Dell Outlet in the USA, with its @DellOutlet account on Twitter a primary channel to notify followers of the latest offers.

Yesterday, Dell said that the total value of sales attributable to their presence on Twitter – both refurbished equipment as well as new systems – has now exceeded $3 million.

[…] Since we started back in 2007, we’ve earned more than $2 million in revenue at@DellOutlet, attributed directly to our Twitter activity.

We’ve surpassed $2 million in revenue in terms of Dell Outlet sales, but we’re also seeing that it’s driving interest in new product as well. We’re seeing people come from @DellOutlet on Twitter into the site, and then ultimately decide to purchase a new system from elsewhere on If we factor those new system purchases that come from @DellOutlet, we’re actually eclipsed $3 million in overall sales.

That’s quite a metric, one that shows what you can achieve when your use of Twitter clearly is strategic and integrated into your overall sales, marketing and communication activities.

[…] Deal-hunters are especially attracted to Dell’s Twitter presence. Dell Outlet sells refurbished Dell products at great prices, but inventories fluctuate, making it difficult to know when products are available or on sale. Dell Outlet uses Twitter as a way to message out coupons, clearance events and new arrival information to those looking for Dell technology at a discounted price.

Dell has extended its direct-selling model on Twitter to Dell Outlet online stores in other markets, notably the UK (@DellOutletUK) and Ireland (@DellOutletIE).

[…] But @DellOutlet continues to be the most popular Dell Twitter property. We’ll try to keep it that way by offering a mix of Twitter-exclusive offers, Dell Outlet deals and Outlet-specific updates and information.

Dell currently has a global team of around 40 employees whose roles include engaging with customers and others interested in Dell via Twitter.

Earlier this month, I had a conversation with Richard Binhammer, a senior communicator at Dell’s US headquarters, and Kerry Bridge, Head of Digital Media Communications, EMEA and Global Public Sector at Dell’s UK office, about the company’s use of Twitter.

That conversation will be published as an FIR Interview podcast soon.

41 responses to “Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell”

  1. Dalarie (Dalarie Gilstrap) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell — Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell. Posted on June 12, 200.. [link to post]

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  2. medialive (MediaLive) avatar

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    Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell: While many businesses are trying to work out how to make money from Twitter, .. [link to post]

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  3. DanaCullum (Dana Cullum) avatar

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    Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell — [link to post]

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  4. kevgibbo (Kevin Gibbons) avatar

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    RT @marknunney: RT @DanaCullum: Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell — [link to post]

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  5. marknunney (Mark Nunney) avatar

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    RT @DanaCullum: Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell — [link to post]

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  6. alcartwright (Al Cartwright) avatar

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    RT @kevgibbo @marknunney @DanaCullum: Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell — [link to post] – another great example ROI

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  7. karenchia (Karen Chia) avatar

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    RT @NickBlackman: Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell — [link to post]

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  8. jjdeeleythinks (James Deeley) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @Hitwise_UK: Dell’s Twitter sales (through @DellOutlet) have now reached $3m [link to post] (blog post by @jangles)

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  9. ElkeBretz (Elke) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Dell’s Twitter sales (through @DellOutlet) have now reached $3m [link to post]

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  10. clivemalcolm (Clive Malcolm) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell, [link to post] Looks like at least one company has found a way to make money using twitter

    – Posted using Chat Catcher

  11. Hitwise_UK (Hitwise_UK) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Dell’s Twitter sales (through @DellOutlet) have now reached $3m [link to post] (blog post by @jangles)

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  12. EasynetConnect (Easynet Connect) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT: @Hitwise_UK: Dell’s Twitter sales (through @DellOutlet) have now reached $3m [link to post] (blog post by @jangles)

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  13. theraromachine (Stuart) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @jjdeeleythinks Dell say $2million… since 2007 ( )… so that’s what between 2,000 – 3,000 laptops? Not amazing.

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  14. jjdeeleythinks (James Deeley) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @theraromachine not sure its quite that underwhelming. Selling on a relatively new channel is still interesting + how many leads generated?

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  15. karenpurves (karenpurves) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @Hitwise_UK Dell has used twitter extraordninarily well to bring in many many sales – its already a case study

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  16. Rob Safuto avatar

    To put the $3 million number in context, it represents half of one percent of all revenue at Dell. That said, it shouldn’t be a surprise that a company that sells tech gear can drive sales by offering discounts via a tech heavy social network like Twitter. Twitter is a channel to reach people as are other social networks and email. I’d like to know how Dell’s Twitter revenue stacks up against their email efforts (I get emails from Dell every week) and what the ROI is for both of those channels as well. Based on the info that they’ve got 40 employees working on Twitter it’s likely that their costs about equal their revenues gained from their efforts.

    I’m not saying that Twitter isn’t a place where you can reach customers and sell things. I think it’s important to compare the returns with other channels. Those companies who are criticized by social media “experts” for not using Twitter and Facebook more might be spending their marketing dollars in areas that aren’t as high profile but offer a bigger return.

  17. theraromachine (Stuart) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @jjdeeleythinks globally though? I guess it only gets better – and probably much better return than on advertising…

    – Posted using Chat Catcher

  18. Dell’s latest on Twitter We should all taste this kind of success.

  19. there's money to be made out of Twitter – – for Dell. Anyone else capitalising on it?

  20. there’s money to be made out of Twitter – – for Dell. Anyone else capitalising on it?

  21. Dell Make $3m dollars in sales from Twitter:

  22. Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell via @addthis #scrm #socialmedia

  23. Dell Twitter revenues increase to $3m

  24. chrisbros (Christian Brosstad) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell. So it’s possible to make money by using Twitter. [link to post]

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  25. Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell. So it’s possible to make money by using Twitter.

  26. […] One was Dell (@delloutlet) and how they are blowing away competition online by getting over 3 million dollars in sales just by utilizing twitter. How are they doing this? By giving their followers something unique and […]

  27. […] a conversation that occurred on Twitter around a blog post that was written by Neville Hobson (Dell’s Twitter Sales).  The first tweet (actually a retweet) contained a direct link to the original blog […]

  28. petermoore (Peter Moore) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @rebeccamthomson I think out of everyone – Dell has used Twitter best: [link to post]

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    1. rebeccamthomson (Rebecca Thomson) avatar

      Twitter Comment

      @petermoore Thankooo. I think so far I like them and Greenpeace.

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  29. @rebeccamthomson I think out of everyone – Dell has used Twitter best:

  30. […] with blogs and other social media around the world; and Dell Computers’ IdeaStorm as well as the $3 million revenue Dell earned via Twitter. These are legitimate examples that illustrate how those firms’ embrace of new forms of […]

  31. […] blogs and other social media around the world; and Dell Computers’ IdeaStorm as well as the $3 million revenue Dell earned via Twitter. These are legitimate examples that illustrate how those firms’ embrace of new forms of […]

  32. NikoSlavnic (Niko Slavnic @ IEDC) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @jangles Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell, how can it help your sales, brands etc.? €” [link to post]

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  33. RT @jangles Twitter drives $3m sales for Dell, how can it help your sales, brands etc.? €”

  34. […] about how someone used a famous friend’s endorsement to make new sales, or how they made a tiny number of low-profit transactions they probably would have made […]

  35. […] Posted on December 8, 2009 at 5:06 pm (UK) in: Business, Communication, Marketing, Public Relations, Twitter, Web News from computer maker Dell that attracted a lot of attention in the summer was their announcement that one Twitter account in the USA, the @DellOutlet handle, was responsible for driving over $3 million in sales. […]

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    The notebook worked fine, but it developed a few quirks not long after the return period ended, such as a tendency to shut down after disuse. None of the notebook's eccentricities were serious, just occasionally irritating.

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    My father recently brought this dell notebook having twitter this works very fast . And that really nice dell offers refurbished my father brought the refurbished laptop in a very cheapest rate .. having very nice features , sound is good , back light screen is very perfect and looks same as the new one.

  38. @PPCSummit ah the critics :) I prefer Dell's own story

  39. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    @PPCSummit ah the critics :) I prefer Dell’s own story [link to post]

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