
Google has 46 separate Twitter accounts when I looked just now.

Like every other company looking at tools like Twitter, they’re no different – Google people want to be where other people are online.

Clearly, Google-owned Jaiku (remember that?) isn’t the place at all – to be fair, maybe it’s focus has changed now – although the company is publicly supportive of that micro-blogging service as this comment by Marissa Mayer in an interview in June and published in The Guardian last week suggests:

The Guardian: You tried your own sort of real time service – it was the same sort of idea, wasn’t it, some real-time messaging service which doesn’t seem to have gone – I think you released the code now as open source…… have you in effect given up on that or what’s the thinking behind it?

MM: I think you may be referring to Jaiku. We think Jaiku is an excellent service and our team is really quite good. We do still have a real-time messaging service because we have Google Chat and Google Talk, that allow users to communicate with each other in real time. So there is some of that, but Jaiku itself, the team, has turned it over to open source, their servers, and they’ve moved over to helping with Google Chat and Google Talk.

It’s all about Twitter really.

9 responses to “Google embraces Twitter”

  1. [Blog] Google embraces Twitter

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  3. Hobson: Google embraces Twitter:
    Google has 46 separate Twitter accounts when I looked just now.
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    Google embraces Twitter — Google has 46 separate Twitter accounts when I looked just now. Lik.. [link to post]

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  5. Google embraces Twitter — Google has 46 separate Twitter accounts when I looked just now. Lik..

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