fffblogos Since the announcement earlier this week that Facebook is acquiring FriendfeedSteve Rubel wonders whether he’s seeing a trend:

[…] I have seen an uptick in friend invitations on Facebook, with these individuals specifically saying they follow me on Friendfeed. Now I don’t know if this is a trend or not, but some others are seeing the same. […] This presents a bit of a dilemma. To date on Facebook I have only let people into my network who I have personally met or corresponded. I don’t make all of my Facebook content public. Meanwhile, on every other social network, I open my content to all and/or accept every friend request.

I’m also a member of Facebook as well as Friendfeed but I’ve not experienced an increase in friend invitations on Facebook. One reason could be that I’m hardly active in that network so I’m probably not noticed by others most of the time.

In contrast, I use Friendfeed a lot. And since the announcement, I’ve seen a large increase in people connecting with me there (and, conversely, that stimulates me to also connect with more people there).

In addition, there’s the FIR Room in Friendfeed, the community place for listeners to the FIR podcast that I co-present twice a week with Shel Holtz: that’s also getting an increase in people wanting to join (it’s a private room so you have to request access).

Is all this anything to do with the Facebook/Friendfeed deal? I have no idea. And likewise, I have no idea if it’s a trend or not.

Steve’s dilemma on whether to open up his accessibility is an interesting one. I wonder what he decides to do.

11 responses to “Friendfeed and Facebook: Trends already?”

  1. Neville Hobson

    [Blog] Friendfeed and Facebook: Trends already? http://tinyurl.com/qmnz64 #fb

  2. [Blog] Friendfeed and Facebook: Trends already? http://tinyurl.com/qmnz64 #fb

  3. Hobson: Friendfeed and Facebook: Trends already?: Since the announcement earlier this week that Facebook .. http://bit.ly/mgK4Y

  4. topgold (Bernie Goldbach) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    bookmarked Friendfeed and Facebook evolution.: Moving from rooms to groups. [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  5. mondesiderio (Mon Desiderio) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Friendfeed and Facebook: Trends already? — NevilleHobson.com: To date on Facebook I have only let people into my.. [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  6. Rob Safuto avatar

    It’s very likely that FriendFeed is going to go away at some point in the near future. What plan’s do you and Shel have to move the FIR room to another platform? Will you be able to export the conversations that took place in the room to another platform? I think that the second question is just as important as the first. You guys put your faith in FriendFeed to help grow your community and it would be a shame to lose those discussions as a result of the sale to Facebook.

  7. bookmarked Friendfeed and Facebook evolution.: Moving from rooms to groups. http://bit.ly/2ubkTK

  8. GR Friendfeed and Facebook: Trends already? (via feedly): Since the announcement earlier this week that Facebo.. http://bit.ly/mgK4Y

  9. Friendfeed and Facebook: Trends already? — NevilleHobson.com: To date on Facebook I have only let people into my.. http://bit.ly/2ubkTK

  10. Friendfeed and Facebook: Trends already? — NevilleHobson.com: To date on Facebook I have only let people into my.. http://bit.ly/vv2vx

  11. […] Friendfeed and Facebook: Trends already? […]