11:45:55 PM: Intro to challenges co addressing that social software could help. Aging workforce first on @doc1online ‘s list. #arksocialsoftware
11:47:53 PM: Interesting to see how @doc1online ‘s co uses podcasts for internal communication. #arksocialsoftware
11:48:44 PM: Podcasts suits the communication style of the director who does them. #arksocialsoftware
11:49:29 PM: Podcasts promoted to employees by email. #arksocialsoftware
11:53:21 PM: Keen podcasters are the co’s two managing directors. #arksocialsoftware
11:55:00 PM: News-commenting system on intranet front page. Not moderated. Employees love it. #arksocialsoftware
11:57:35 PM: News-commenting page on intranet stimulates great er employee connectivity; real conversations develop. #arksocialsoftware
12:05:56 PM: Parts of the co use wikis. Informal. Have a search engine called ‘gurgle’ (heh, utility co). #arksocialsoftware
12:08:41 PM: Blogs used internally. New platform coming. Starting with graduate blog. #arksocialsoftware
12:10:51 PM: "No ghost blogging" says @doc1online . Right on! #arksocialsoftware
12:23:48 PM: Co has social media guidelines, communicated to employees. #arksocialsoftware
12:28:42 PM: Not standing still, big plans for future use of other social media. #arksocialsoftware
12:30:05 PM: Terrific tour of what @doc1online ‘s co is doing with social media, excellent. #arksocialsoftware
One response to “Denise Maskew, United Utilities, on engaging knowledge sharing”
Hobson: Denise Maskew, United Utilities, on engaging knowledge sharing: 7:45:55 PM: Intro to challenges c.. http://bit.ly/c0QXt