You have to hand it to Socialnomics author Erik Qualman – he knows how to tell a compelling story and sell his message, which obviously promotes his book.

Check out his latest video Social Media ROI. Whatever you think of using the acronym ROI with social media – there is lots of different opinion out there – I think you’d agree that Qualman’s story makes it easier to understand a broad argument that social media means greater “financial efficiency” for many organizations, some of whom he names in the video.


20 responses to “Social media ROI can be entertainment”

  1. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

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  3. Hobson: Social media ROI can be entertainment: You have to hand it to Socialnomics author Erik Qualman – he knows…

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Neville Hobson, NeonDrum. NeonDrum said: RT @jangles [Blog] Social media ROI can be entertainment #pr #socialmedia […]

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  6. Joe avatar


    Would you sell your twitter account? :P

  7. RT @jangles: Social media ROI can be entertainment

  8. skoko (Sabine) avatar

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    RT @jangles: Social media ROI can be entertainment [link to post]

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  9. NeonDrum (NeonDrum) avatar

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    RT @jangles [Blog] Social media ROI can be entertainment [link to post] #pr #socialmedia

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  10. watching an interesting video via @jangles Social Media ROI Can Be Entertainment

  11. Social media ROI can be entertainment

  12. RT @ConversationAge: Social media ROI can be entertainment

  13. [TWEMES] praimed: Social Media ROI (a video by Erik Qualman) – #SM #ROI: praimed: Social Media RO…

  14. Social media ROI can be entertainment

  15. RT @askaaronlee: Social media ROI can be entertainment

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  17. […] Social Media Measurement – Katie Paine on Establishing ROI ( Social media ROI can be entertainment ( The Basics of Social Media ROI ( Your Customers STILL Don’t […]

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