A conference report with a difference, created by John Moore – a deck full of comments by participants at the WOMMA 2009 Summit last week on points of interest from their individual perspectives on presentations and keynotes, all told in 140-character bites posted to Twitter.

As John describes them: talkable tweets.

John explains:

When you return from a conference chock-full of insights, it’s difficult to share everything you learned. Sure, you can transcribe your notes but your notes are bound to have some holes. You can also pull insights from summaries other attendees have posted on their blogs.

Or … you whittle through the thousands of tweets from attendees to carve out a more complete list of insights. That’s the path I’ve chosen to take after returning from WOMMA’s Creating Talkable Brands conference.

Over 470 attendees shared 3,600+ tweets (.pdf download) with the #WOMMA hashtag during the three-day conference. I’ve whittled down the 3,600+ tweets to a more digestible collection of 165 tweets and compiled them into this SlideShare presentation. Enjoy.

Thanks, John, for a most useful – and entertaining – take on an event.

17 responses to “WOMMA’s talkable tweets”

  1. [Blog] WOMMA’s talkable tweets http://tinyurl.com/yfncvsu #fb #in #WOMMA

  2. jangles (Neville Hobson) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    [Blog] WOMMA’s talkable tweets [link to post] #fb #in #WOMMA

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  3. Hobson: WOMMA’s talkable tweets: A conference report with a difference, created by John Moore – a deck full of … http://bit.ly/5ufiYZ

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Neville Hobson, prblogs. prblogs said: Hobson: WOMMA’s talkable tweets: A conference report with a difference, created by John Moore – a deck full of … http://bit.ly/5ufiYZ […]

  5. RT @jangles: [Blog] WOMMA’s talkable tweets http://tinyurl.com/yfncvsu #fb #in #WOMMA (this is great.)

  6. WOMMA’s talkable tweets http://bit.ly/7kuXjS

  7. wiggled (Heather Gorringe) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @jangles: [Blog] WOMMA’s talkable tweets [link to post] #fb #in #WOMMA (this is great.)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  8. RT @tweetmeme WOMMA’s talkable tweets | NevilleHobson.com http://bit.ly/7oo83K

  9. RT @jangles [Blog] WOMMA’s talkable tweets http://tinyurl.com/yfncvsu #fb #in #WOMMA

  10. Steve Farnsworth (@Steveology) avatar

    Hey Neville,

    What a wonderful resource for those who were unable to attend Word Of Mouth Marketing Association summit this year. Much appreciated.

    All the best,

  11. Great resource: Word OF Mouth Marketing Association summit talkable tweets | via @jangles #socialmedia http://ow.ly/EXt8

  12. Great resource: Word OF Mouth Marketing Association summit talkable tweets | via @jangles #socialmedia http://ow.ly/EXN1

  13. steveology (Steve Farnsworth) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Great resource: Word OF Mouth Marketing Association summit talkable tweets | via @jangles #socialmedia [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  14. Talkable tweets – http://bit.ly/5gkfUu (Great conference report idea for next #socialrecruiting summit.)

  15. AnnetteatAlstin (Annette DeHaven) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Talkable tweets – [link to post] (Great conference report idea for next #socialrecruiting summit.)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  16. john moore (WOMMA) avatar
    john moore (WOMMA)

    Neville … thanks for sharing the “Talkable Tweets” slideshare deck from the recent WOMMA conference. Glad you find it worthwhile and worthy of sharing.