wikiologo21[1] There are some interesting changes in the ranking of the top 30 technology blogs in the UK compared to last month, according to the latest data from Wikio, the Luxembourg-based search engine and news portal.

An advance look at this subset of the complete list of 100 UK tech blogs which will be published in the next day or so shows quite a bit of movement: a dozen falls, 11 rises – including an 18-point jump in one case – and a new entrant. The top position this month is claimed by The Guardian Technology blog, displacing TechCrunch Europe.

Here’s the top 30 list:

  1. The Guardian Technology blog (+1)
  2. TechCrunch Europe (-1)
  3. Coolest Gadgets (+1)
  4. Geeky Gadgets (+2)
  5. Econsultancy blog (-2)
  6. The Red Ferret Journal (+1)
  7. BBC Internet blog (-2)
  8. (=)
  9. Gadget Venue dot com (+1)
  10. – The UK’s fastest-growing tech news site (Ent.)
  11. Blah! Blah! Technology (-2)
  12. TechDigest (-1)
  13. All About Symbian (-1)
  14. Telegraph Blogs – Technology (-1)
  15. Gaj- – UK Gadget News (=)
  16. Neville Hobson (-2)
  17. Speckyboy – WordPress and Design (+1)
  18. Mousetrap Technology – Times Online (+18)
  19. Jkkmobile (-2)
  20. Broadstuff (+2)
  21. Phones Review (+4)
  22. Blog.Spoon Graphics (+1)
  23. GadgetLite Blog (-7)
  24. The::unwired (-5)
  25. EWEEKeurope (-4)
  26. OUseful.Info, the blog… (+1)
  27. Simon Willison’s Weblog (-7)
  28. David Naylor a UK SEO (-4)
  29. GadgetGrid (-3)
  30. Dial-a-Phone (-1)

Ranking by Wikio

I’ve been publishing this advance-look top 30 list almost every month for more than a year now, and have developed a pretty good relationship with my friends at Wikio. I’ve also developed a greater interest in this UK list. And so I’ve got more involved with it.

In fact, I’m now helping to curate the technology ranking for Wikio. What that means in practical terms is keeping an eye and ear out for technology blogs in the UK that ought at least be considered for inclusion in Wikio’s list of the top 100 such blogs in this country if they’re not there already.

If you think a blog ought to be here, you can suggest it either via the Wikio website or by dropping me a note.

While I can’t influence any ranking or guarantee inclusion – that’s down to algorithms and some secret Wikio sauce – at least let’s give everyone a good chance.

wikiolabs While you’re over at Wikio’s site checking out the top 100 tech blogs list, take a look at Wikio Labs in the UK while you’re there.

Wikio says this new resource launched last month offers a number of excellent tools providing graphical representations of the words, people and products buzzing around in the blogosphere, as well as a wealth of info on the blogs that they index.

Those tools include BackLink Factory, Wikio Trends, Buzz Clouds and Wikio Sources.

Terrific resources for helping you understand the blogosphere better.

15 responses to “Wikio Top 30 UK tech blogs for Feb 2010”

  1. prblogs

    Hobson: Wikio Top 30 UK tech blogs for Feb 2010:
    There are some interesting changes in the ranking of the top 30…

  2. Top 30 UK tech blogs in Feb

  3. RT @CakeGroup: Top 30 UK tech blogs in Feb

  4. Paul Seaman avatar

    Neville, not one of the blogs named above is a tech blog. None of them are very technical. They are all PR, media, product-related blogs or social commentary focused. I think that we need to rethink the concept behind the entire category because different types of media and social interaction on- and off-line are becoming more interdependent, more interactive, and more difficult to separate as a result.

    1. neville avatar

      Actually, they are tech blogs and many of them also focus on PR, media, product, etc, and other things.

      While no category re-thinking is needed, it might be helpful to readers to understand how Wikio decides what makes a blog a tech blog. Let’s see what we can do.

  5. RT @svanna: RT @CakeGroup: Top 30 UK tech blogs in Feb

  6. More blogs for my blog lists RT CakeGroup Top 30 UK tech blogs in Feb thanks @jangles

  7. Top blogs for all us geeks RT @CakeGroup Top 30 UK tech blogs in Feb:

  8. RT @kilrush: Top blogs for all us geeks RT @CakeGroup Top 30 UK tech blogs in Feb:

  9. DaveNaylor (Dave Naylor) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    [link to post] need to up my game to stay in top30 UK tech blogs

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  10. chrisfaron (chris faron) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @DaveNaylor: [link to post] need to up my game to stay in top30 UK te

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  11. latest gadget avatar

    Great sites provided in the post and can get lot of information from these sites