Month: May 2010

  • FIR Interview: Linda Johannesson and Christopher Swan on the IABC Unconference

    For the first time, the IABC World Conference – set to begin this coming Sunday in Toronto, Canada – will be preceded by an unconference. Several online properties have been developed around the “Toronto Talks” unconference, including a central repository…

  • The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #549: May 31, 2010

    Content summary: Memorial Day in the US and Bank Holiday in the UK; new FIR Interview, Speakers & Speeches podcasts up; coming: another FIR Interview, and Speakers & Speeches podcasts from the Dell B2B social media event in London last…

  • A hoverboard that works

    Doesn’t this… …look remarkably like this… Reality in a Back To The Future II style. Not in five years – 2015 was the year portrayed in that film – but ten is credible, I reckon. (Via Engadget) Related post: No…

  • Five stories for the holiday weekend

    Ever since I started blogging back in 2002, I have always found RSS to be one of the most useful tech tools ever invented. RSS enables me, you, anyone, to automatically receive new or updated content from anywhere on the…

  • FIR Interview: Eric Groves on Constant Contact acquisition of NutShellMail

    Constant Contact, one of the better-known names in the commercial email business, recently announced the acquisition of NutShellMail, which aggregates social content and delivers it to your inbox. In this interview, FIR co-host Shel Holtz speaks with Eric Groves, Constant…