[Update May 6:] Not long after I published the Wikio Top 30 UK tech blogs list for May 2010 in this blog post, Wikio released a corrected list, this time with 40 blogs.

I don’t have details on what went wrong with Wikio’s data in the the first list which showed changes only with two blogs: 28 blogs showed no change in rank from the previous month (here’s a screenshot of the originally-posted list).

Delayed a couple of days by the Bank Holiday weekend just past, but here it is better late than never – a preview look at the top 30 tech blogs in the UK for May 2010, courtesy of my friends at Wikio, the European search engine and news portal.

This list of 30 is a sub-set from the Top 100 Technology Blogs in the UK, the full list of which for May will be published by Wikio on May 5 or thereabouts.

So here is the corrected list of the top 40 UK tech blogs for May 2010, data supplied by Wikio:

  1. TechCrunch Europe (=)
  2. Geeky Gadgets (=)
  3. Electricpig.co.uk (+4)
  4. Coolest Gadgets (-1)
  5. Econsultancy blog (-1)
  6. The Red Ferret Journal (=)
  7. BBC Internet blog (-2)
  8. Gadget Venue dot com (=)
  9. All About Symbian (=)
  10. Dot.Rory (+65)
  11. TechDigest (=)
  12. Telegraph Blogs – Technology (+4)
  13. Gaj-It.com – UK Gadget News (-3)
  14. Zath (-2)
  15. Speckyboy – WordPress and Design (=)
  16. We Are Social (-3)
  17. Blog.Spoon Graphics (+1)
  18. EWEEKeurope (-4)
  19. Light Blue Touchpaper (+1)
  20. GadgetLite Blog (+2)
  21. Mousetrap Technology – Times Online (+3)
  22. The Next Web UK (+22)
  23. Jonobacon@home (=)
  24. Broadstuff (+4)
  25. Last100 (+8)
  26. Last.fm – the Blog (+14)
  27. Phones Review (-6)
  28. Jkkmobile (-9)
  29. The::unwired (+2)
  30. Blah! Blah! Technology (-13)
  31. OUseful.Info, the blog… (-5)
  32. NevilleHobson.com (-5)
  33. Dial-a-Phone (-8)
  34. GadgetGrid (-5)
  35. Tracy and Matt’s Blog (-5)
  36. Simon Willison’s Weblog (-1)
  37. Wonderland (-5)
  38. The Ed Techie (=)
  39. James Governor’s Monkchips (+11)
  40. SEOptimise Blog (-6)

Quite an intriguing list this month with only two blogs moving position compared to last month: a switch in position for the #2 and #3 places.

It will be interesting to see what the rest of the top 100 list looks like: movements or not? And now looking forward to seeing what June looks like!

This list of 40 is from the Top 100 UK Tech Blogs ranking, and Wikio has now published the full list for May.

18 responses to “Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 [Corrected List]”

  1. [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 http://tinyurl.com/3aapq33 #fb #in

  2. [nh.com] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 http://goo.gl/fb/maKib

  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Neville Hobson, Neville Hobson. Neville Hobson said: [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 http://tinyurl.com/3aapq33 #fb #in […]

  4. Hobson: Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010:
    Delayed a couple of days by the Bank Holiday weekend just past,… http://bit.ly/b0m4cf

  5. Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 http://bit.ly/cEc4Hw

  6. Dan avatar

    Hi all,

    These rankings are the Wikio rankings for next month as it stands. However, a number of our rankings contain very few changes in the top positions this month and indeed this one contains just two. So we are investigating as to whether something needs adjusting and they need recalculating. Nonetheless, this is the rankings as they stand and thanks as ever to Neville for relaying them.

    If they do indeed change we will let Neville know.


    Wikio UK

  7. Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 — NevilleHobson.com http://ow.ly/1GV3M

  8. Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 http://bit.ly/aFdyEo

  9. brandguardian (Jo Porritt) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 [link to post]

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  10. RT @brandguardian: Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 http://bit.ly/aFdyEo // handy!

  11. RT @AdamVincenzini: RT @brandguardian: Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 http://bit.ly/aFdyEo // handy! (@zathuk at 12, @SimonBarker)

  12. RT @brandguardian: Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 http://bit.ly/aFdyEo

  13. geetarchurchy (geetarchurchy) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @AdamVincenzini: RT @brandguardian: Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 [link to post] // handy! (@zathuk at 12, @SimonBarker)

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  14. RT @brandguardian: Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 http://bit.ly/aFdyEo

  15. AdamVincenzini (Adam Vincenzini) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @brandguardian: Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 [link to post] // handy!

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  16. tweetablix (Blix Interactive) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    RT @brandguardian: Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  17. [Blog – Updated Post] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for May 2010 [Corrected List] http://tinyurl.com/3aapq33 #fb #in

  18. […] Last month’s list was a little controversial due to errors in the rankings, subsequently and quickly corrected. How does that list compare to this month’s? […]