wikiologo211111[1] Search engine and news portal Wikio will be publishing their June 2010 list of the Top 100 Tech Blogs in the UK in a few days and, as usual, they’ve given me an advance peak at the top 30 from the monthly list.

Last month’s list was a little controversial due to errors in the rankings, subsequently and quickly corrected. How does that list compare to this month’s?

Here’s the June list:

  1. TechCrunch Europe (=)
  2. Geeky Gadgets (=)
  3. (=)
  4. Coolest Gadgets (=)
  5. Econsultancy blog (=)
  6. The Red Ferret Journal (=)
  7. BBC Internet blog (=)
  8. Dot.Rory (+2)
  9. Gadget Venue dot com (-1)
  10. All About Symbian (-1)
  11. Telegraph Blogs – Technology (+1)
  12. – UK Gadget News (+1)
  13. TechDigest (-2)
  14. Zath (=)
  15. Speckyboy – WordPress and Design (=)
  16. We Are Social (=)
  17. GadgetLite Blog (+3)
  18. Blog.Spoon Graphics (-1)
  19. GadgetGrid (+15)
  20. (+12)
  21. Phones Review (+6)
  22. Dial-a-Phone (+11)
  23. Mousetrap Technology – Times Online (-2)
  24. eWEEKeurope (-6)
  25. The Next Web UK (-3)
  26. Tracy and Matt’s Blog (+9)
  27. Light Blue Touchpaper (-8)
  28. Broadstuff (-4)
  29. OUseful.Info, the blog… (+2)
  30. Jkkmobile (-2)

No change in the top 7 blogs, a sprinkling of changes up and down elsewhere, some big jumps in the lower ranking – GadgetGrid (+15 to #19), (this blog, +12 to #20) and Dial-a-Phone (+11 to #22).

Check the complete list of the Top 100 Tech Blogs in the UK at Wikio.

8 responses to “Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for June 2010”

  1. [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for June 2010 #fb #in

  2. [] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for June 2010

  3. RT @jangles: [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for June 2010 #fb #in

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Neville Hobson and Neville Hobson, House PR. House PR said: RT @jangles: [Blog] Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for June 2010 #fb #in […]

  5. Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for June 2010

  6. The UK's top 30 tech blogs –

  7. RT @jangles Wikio top 30 UK tech blogs for June 2010 >> @joshchandler and @thomaspower will love this .. enjoy!

  8. Phil avatar

    I would have loved few more in top 10, mainly for Search Market as well