bpblack Like the Financial Times and large numbers of others, I suspect, I’ve got a growing sense of unease if not alarm about what’s happening to BP.

From what I read, see and hear online, the oil company is the manifestation of the greedy uncaring corporate monolith with the devil incarnate for a CEO. The company seems impotent in any effort to stop the crude oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, polluting environments and destroying livelihoods along thousands of miles of the US coast.

I don’t believe any of that. What I do believe is that BP is working flat out to fix this catastrophic event – and doing so with all the good will and desire to get the result everyone wants to see.

Will it be enough, and soon, when you constantly see news headline like these:

The company’s share price on the London Stock Exchange has fallen 40 percent since the end of April.

The trouble is, it seems to me, is that in the high stakes game of winning public opinion – surely in this case, one of the biggest challenges facing any company at any time – BP has a gun to its own foot and keeps on pulling the trigger.

From the satirical @BPGlobalPR Twitter account – with its now close to 150,000 followers – with words of advice that seem to be serious, to serious advice that looks worth listening to, and one of the world’s most experienced PR firms, Ogilvy, providing counsel on the role of social media, you’d think there would be plenty of scope to have developed and visibly executed a plan by now to win hearts and minds.

Anger proliferates on the web, says the FT. I really hope BP can defuse that before the effects on the environment, people and wildlife in the Gulf of Mexico area cause severe damage in the long term. The same for BP’s brand and reputation.

You need a large number of quick wins, BP. Apart from stopping that oil leak. (And a repeat question from a week ago: Where are all the other oil companies in this?)

(The oil-dripped version of BP’s logo, above, is unashamedly grabbed from BPGlobalPR’s page on Twitter. Seems an appropriate image for this post.)

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8 responses to “Anger management for BP”

  1. Anger management for BP — NevilleHobson.com: Anger proliferates on the web, says the FT. I really hope BP can defu… http://bit.ly/9YGIez

  2. evenflowdave (dave martinez) avatar

    Twitter Comment

    Anger management for BP [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  3. Great piece on how BP is shooting itself in the foot. Bad communications… RT @jangles Anger management for BP http://bit.ly/9oDFLV

  4. Anger management for BP http://bit.ly/9oDFLV /RT @jangles via @geoffliving

  5. RT @NakedNY: Anger management for BP http://bit.ly/9oDFLV /RT @jangles via @geoffliving

  6. jp72 avatar

    So you own stock I gather.

  7. thesecrettruths avatar

    Unfortunately I think we are only being fed half the story and the conspiracy community have got a very good case.
    Goldman Sachs sells 44% of their shares, CEO sells 1/3 of his shares, both weeks before the well blew.
    Haliburton buys a clean up company 2 weeks before and is involved on site.
    The list goes on.
    This is far worse than we are being told, but you can get the truth if you investigate further.