sncr_logo The Society for New Communications Research (SNCR) has issued a call for entries for the 5th Annual Excellence in New Communications Awards, to be awarded in November.

SNCR is a global non-profit research and education foundation and think tank, based in California, focused on the latest developments in new media and communications. It’s also the organization behind the hugely successful annual NewComm Forum conference – you can listen to FIR podcasts of some of the speakers’ sessions from this year’s conference in April. (I’ve been involved with SNCR since its founding in 2005 and I’m one of the Founding Fellows.)

The SNCR awards programme honours the work of companies, government and non-profit organizations, educational institutions, media outlets and individuals who are innovating the use of social media, ICT, mobile media, online communities and collaborative technologies in the areas of business, media, and professional communications, including advertising, marketing, public relations and corporate communications, as well as entertainment, education, politics, and social initiatives.

Awards are granted in six divisions – corporate, government, media, non-profit/NGO, academic and technology innovation – and in 13 categories:

  1. Online Reputation Management
  2. Behind the Firewall
  3. Influencer Relations
  4. External Communities
  5. Collaboration and Co-creation
  6. Online Audio / Video
  7. Online Publishing and Blogging
  8. Mobile Media
  9. Microblogging
  10. Social CRM
  11. Social Commerce
  12. Social Data and Measurement
  13. Use of Multiple Platforms / Integrated Initiatives

Entering is simple:

  • Submit a case study detailing your initiatives and technologies.
  • Pay the entry fee of $75 per entry.

The winning case studies will be published by SNCR – see the 2009 winners’ case studies – and the winners will be honoured at the 2010 Society for New Communications Research Symposium and Awards Gala, to be held on November 4-5 at Stanford University in Stanford, California.

See the submission guidelines and online entry form for full details. Deadline: September 10.

3 responses to “Showcase your communication talent at SNCR Excellence in New Communications Awards”

  1. [] Showcase your communication talent at SNCR Excellence in New Communications Awards

  2. @reyjunco & @EdCabellon – Showcase your communication talent at SNCR Excellence in New Communications Awards RT@jangles

  3. RT @jangles: Showcase your communication talent at SNCR Excellence in New Communications Awards