Month: October 2010
FIR Interview: Ashley Howland on Baylor Health Care unblocking employee access to social media
Media Relations Manager Ashley Howland speaks with FIR co-host Shel Holtz about successful efforts to unblock employee access to social media properties, notably Facebook, at Baylor Health Care System in Texas. Get this podcast: Download the MP3 file (9.72Mb, 24:12)…
The Hobson and Holtz Report – Podcast #570: October 25, 2010
Content summary: Jeff Eggen interview and David Spinks video interview are up, Joseph Jaffe interview coming Oct 29; listener comments and discussion; News That Fits: The Guardian offers social media guidance to its journalists while the Washington Post offers prohibition,…
FIR Interview: BlogDash Co-Creator David Spinks
David Spinks, co-founder of BlogDash – a new resource to aid in blogger outreach – conducts a brief video demo of the site during BlogWorld and New Media Expo in Las Vegas, USA, on Friday, October 15, 2010. Get this…