
Mark Zuckerberg can be Time’s person of the year but here we have the FT’s man of the year – Steve Jobs, the man behind the continuing success of Apple and those so-gorgeous products everyone desires that include iPhone, iPad, Macbook and more.

The Financial Times says Jobs is a “Silicon Valley visionary who put Apple on top”:

[…] When Steven Paul Jobs first hit the headlines, he was younger even than Mark Zuckerberg is now. Long before it was cool to be a nerd, his formative role in popularising the personal computer, and Apple’s initial public offering on Wall Street – which came when Mr Jobs was still only 25 – made him the tech industry’s first rock star.

And this description fits well as a caption to the rather Machiavellian-looking Jobs in the FT cartoon above:

[…] Critics often talk disparagingly of the “reality distortion field” generated by the Apple boss: his ability to convince onlookers that technologies that would seem unformed in other hands have reached a peak of perfection at Apple. Generating this suspension of disbelief is essential to stirring up demand for gadgets most consumers had no idea they needed, and is an art form of which Mr Jobs has long been the acknowledged master.

A worthy winner, I say! Read the detailed story at the FT.

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8 responses to “FT names Steve Jobs their Man of The Year”

  1. [Blog] FT names Steve Jobs their Man of The Year #fb #in

  2. [] FT names Steve Jobs their Man of The Year

  3. Hobson: FT names Steve Jobs their Man of The Year: Mark Zuckerberg can be Time’s person of the year but here we …

  4. FT names Steve Jobs their Man of The Year

  5. Armin avatar

    “those so-gorgeous products everyone desires”

    Really? I don’t. Guess I’m not “everyone” then. Good.

  6. FT names Steve Jobs their Man of The Year

  7. FT names Steve Jobs their Man of The Year

  8. FT names Steve Jobs their Man of The Year | Mark Zuckerberg can be Time's person of the year …