microusbGood news for mobile phone users in EU countries – a voluntary agreement by the major mobile phone manufacturers came into force in the EU on January 1 where all new phones announced for sale in the EU in the coming years must have a standard micro-USB socket for charging the device.

GHacks.net reports that the companies who have signed up to the measure – intended to reduce the number of chargers sold and discarded in Europe – include Apple, Nokia, Qualcomm, HTC, RIM, LG, Motorola and Samsung.

GHacks zeros in on a major point about Apple and the iPhone:

[…] It will be interesting to see how this impacts on Apple’s next iPhone as these phones have always carried proprietary hardware interfaces.  Will the next iPhone switch entirely to micro-USB, will it have a micro-USB socket alongside the standard iPhone connector and will any change only affect handsets sold in the EU?

A very good point. I’d add another: what about the huge ecosystem that’s built up around Apple’s mobile devices? Docks, music systems, accessories: there’s a huge global industry there that’s heavily invested in Apple’s proprietary interface. And not only Apple: look at all of the manufacturers who have proprietary interfaces.

A great opportunity awaits someone to make adapters for the adapters…

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13 responses to “Adapting to a new mobile connection”

  1. [Blog] Adapting to a new mobile connection http://tinyurl.com/37s4wfm #fb #in

  2. [nh.com] Adapting to a new mobile connection http://goo.gl/fb/5sRZl

  3. Adapting to a new mobile connection http://is.gd/k0fad via@jangles:

  4. Adapting to a new mobile connection http://bit.ly/hjMfv7

  5. Adapting to a new mobile connection http://bit.ly/gC9VUY

  6. Hobson: Adapting to a new mobile connection: Good news for mobile phone users in EU countries – a voluntary agre… http://bit.ly/eB1D8E

  7. Adapting to a new mobile connection http://bit.ly/dVoJvk

  8. Adapting to a new mobile connection http://goo.gl/fb/Kiipb

  9. Adapting to a new mobile connection http://goo.gl/fb/5thBn

  10. Big stuff. This will have a profound effect, particularly on iPhone. Great for consumers though. Well done Eurocrats! http://bit.ly/eEqlse

  11. RT @scottgdouglas: Big stuff. This will have a profound effect, particularly on iPhone. Great for consumers though. http://bit.ly/eEqlse

  12. Big news with big implications over the festive break: "Adapting to a new mobile connection" http://me.lt/0EKV