I turned on my Kindle first thing this morning, and there it was – the Steve Jobs biography.


I pre-ordered the Kindle edition when it was announced some months ago. Since then, comment and opinion about the widely-anticipated book, published today, have been relentlessly increasing to the extent that, over the past few days and especially the weekend, such commentary, opinion and analysis of extracts from the book have been everywhere you look.

I’ve largely not read those opinions – although I did read the excellent BusinessWeek special edition following Steve Jobs death – so that I’m not influenced by anyone’s views as I want to read this book and form my own uninfluenced impressions first. As I go along, I plan to post notes, comments and highlights from the book to my public Kindle page.

So, during the coming weeks, I’m looking forward to a good read about the life and times of a global iconic business and cultural personality, one who really has changed the world.

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One response to “The biography of the moment”

  1. […] sounds extreme, doesn’t it? Yet wholly believable if you are an observer of Apple. Indeed, I’m reading Steve Jobs’ biography and such a story rings very true indeed as it is illustrative of Jobs’ control freakery and […]