“As mobile devices grow in popularity, so do the incentives for attackers.” Mobile threat report from security firm Lookout worth reading if you want to get a sense of the scale of threat out there. Read also Lookout’s latest report on SMS toll fraud apps: potential threat no matter what your mobile platform http://blog.mylookout.com/blog/2011/12/11/european-premium-sms-fraud/
(I have Lookout’s security app installed on all my mobile devices, but I have no relationship with the firm.)
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Mobile Threat Report
Lookout Logo. Features; Partners; Careers; About; Blog; Support. Sign Up Log In. Mobile Threat Report. Table of Contents; Highlights; Research Methodology; Why Mobile Security? Platform Comparison; Vu…
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One response to “"As mobile devices grow in popularity, so do the incentives for attackers."…”
I'm always dubious about "new threats" identified by security firms tbh – mostly it's just them trying to scare up a headline for free publicity or an opp for them to put forward their new "solution"