I’m a subscriber and +The Economist is the only publication where I get the print version each week and also read it digitally:

Each of those consumption methods depend on many things, such as where I happen to be, how much time I’ve got and my mood at the time.

I’m now trying to figure out what kind of photo to submit to illustrate any or all of that…

How do you like to read your favourite publication, whether The Economist or any other?

Reshared post from +The Economist

How do you like to read The Economist?
We would like to get to know our social community a little more by seeing who you are and how you like to read The Economist. Do you like to read it on our website, via social site updates, in print with a coffee, or on the move on your tablet? Take a picture and submit it via our Event page and your photo could become part of our timeline page which we will activate on the day we hit the 1million fan marker. Join our ‘Reaching 1 million’ event page and upload your photos at: http://on.fb.me/yy85Mw

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One response to “The Economist is asking how readers like to read the publication”

  1. Jeff Hasnas avatar

    I'm very similar. The only two publications I get are this and Cigar Aficionado. I listen to the podcast and read some online posts instead of using the mag.