
Next month, I’m speaking at an evening event in central London organized by Bernie Mitchell and #TAGTribe Forum, entitled “Your Connected Customer and Company.”

Fellow speaker JP Rangaswami and I will be talking for about 15 minutes with some thoughts and ideas each of us has relevant to the event title, in a fast Q&A conversation moderated by Andy Bargery. Then it’s a free-for-all conversation with everyone who’s there.

It sounds wonderfully chaotic!

Bernie describes the event thus:

It is now the age of working together rather than against each other. At this special one-night extravaganza you can debate with JP and Neville what this means for your business.

I plan to share some thoughts surrounding the question that’s the title of this post: Should everyone in your company be a marketer? You can hear some of that in a 25-minute conversation I had with Jon Buscall yesterday, which he recorded and published as the latest episode of his Online Marketing & Communications podcast.

You can get a sense of how I see the answer to the question in the title of Jon’s podcast post: Everyone in Your Organization is NOT in Marketing. Listen at Jon’s blog, or right here:

The London event will be a great discussion, I think; entertaining, too. It’s on Wednesday September 5 at Waggener Edstrom’s London office, starting at 6.30pm.

You can sign up here.

9 responses to “Should everyone in your company be a marketer?”

  1. […] Should everyone in your company be a marketer? Next month, I’m speaking at an evening event in central London organized by Bernie Mitchell and #TAGTribe Forum, entitled “Your Connected Customer and Company.” Fellow speaker JP Rangaswami and I will… […]

  2. Intercall avatar

    The answer to the question ‘should everyone in your company be a marketer?’ is ‘no.’ It’s like asking if every member of your football team should be a striker!

  3. […] 5, 2012. Fellow speaker JP Rangaswami and I will be talking for about 15 minutes with some thoughts and ideas each of us has relevant to the event title, in a fast Q&A conversation moderated by Andy […]