myflipboard4It’s a nice change to simply enjoy the start of Sunday morning for the sake of it, spending an hour or so reading about interesting things for no other reason than, well, they’re interesting.

The Bank Holiday weekend virtual papers via Flipboard and FeedDemon have a huge amount worth giving some time to. So pour yourself a nice cup of tea (or coffee) and catch up on five stories you may also find interesting:

Neil Armstrong’s ‘giant leap for mankind’ changed human history – “When man first harnessed fire, no one recorded it. When the Wright Brothers showed man could fly, only a handful of people witnessed it. But when Neil Armstrong took that first small step on the moon in July 1969, an entire globe watched in grainy black-and-white from a quarter million miles away. We saw it. We were part of it. He took that “giant leap for mankind” for us…” I remember it, a kid staying up all night to watch that grainy black-and-white broadcast live, as it happened. Still mesmerising every time I think of it. And friend Tom Murphy had the privilege of meeting Neil Armstrong.

Prince Harry and the toxic gloss of celebrity – “For much of the monarchy’s recent good health, we are invited to thank the smoothly lubricated workings of the palace PR machine. But under the bright lights of Sin City, some of the moving parts are losing their shine. The Windsors have invested heavily in corporate-style communications, though it is debatable whether they are getting good value for money.” A pretty good analysis in a Telegraph op-ed by Patrick Jephson, equerry and private secretary to Princess Diana, 1988-96.

New road for a macho brand – the FT looks at how Harley Davidson is on a drive to revamp the company’s image and extend the brand to women: “The 109-year-old Milwaukee-based motorcycle manufacturer has been reaching out to women as well as ethnic minorities and younger riders, as its core constituency of male baby boomers declines through old age.” I’d better get into gear, as it were, if I want more than just a picture of a Fat Boy.

How news websites handled graphic images of Empire State Building shooting – “News organizations scrambled to curate these images, and then had to make difficult decisions about how to verify and handle them. Should they run them prominently on the home page or submerge them in an article? Link to them instead? And how to warn readers? Reuters and the New York Daily News both showed bodies on their homepage. The New York Times initially had a very subdued homepage, then made a bolder choice with blood flowing…”

And your 20-second wrap-up story:

Does your phone need a charge but you don’t have time to wait? Leave your device with our Charging Valet. Yep, a San Francisco conference centre has a ‘charging valet’ who will charge up your mobile device for you. He’s at #VMworld, a tech conference of course.

Have a great Sunday and, in the UK, Bank Holiday Monday!

7 responses to “Good Sunday reads”

  1. […] Good Sunday reads It’s a nice change to simply enjoy the start of Sunday morning for the sake of it, spending an hour or so reading about interesting things for so other reason than, well, they’re interesting. The Bank… […]